Notes/Domino vs. Sharepoint
Guess there’s a dustup on Sharepoint vs. Notes over an article on ZDNet comparing the two as collaboration platforms. The details are over at
Guess there’s a dustup on Sharepoint vs. Notes over an article on ZDNet comparing the two as collaboration platforms. The details are over at
This has been an unusually busy week, so I haven’t had much time to post things I want to here. Between seeing INXS in concert, watching finales of Lost, Alias, and American Idol, and installing WSE and hanging out with Declan, I just have not had much free time. I WILL catch up this weekend, I promise. These are the things I will touch on:
So, I’ll hit all those soon in far more detail. Stay tuned…
Congratulations to Mike and Melissa Oliveri, on the birth of their daughter Lillian Grace. She was born today at 4:23 AM, weighed an even 8 pounds, and was 19.5" long. Everyone is doing great and are healthy and happy. Congratulations again, Jen and I are so happy for you guys!!!
Well yesterday was Mother’s Day, and after lunch we left to head to my in-law’s house. Well about a mile away from my house I got pulled over for a speeding ticket. I was going 53 in a 35. Now everyone in the known universe speeds this stretch of road, so it’s not like it was out of the ordinary, but it was a holiday speed trap, so I was caught.
The funny thing is that we had to explain this all to the four-year-old. How I had broken a rule, and the police officer had to write me a ticket. She seemed to get everything pretty well after a thorough explanation.
So, I get the ticket and proceed to my in-laws. When we pull in the driveway, my daughter states:
"Wow we get here really fast when Daddy speeds."
Yes dear…yes we do 🙂
Hello all. Just came across something yesterday that in all my years of administering Domino servers, I didn’t know.
It has to deal with your postmaster and abuse email addresses in your mail domain. If you don’t set those two specific email addresses up somehow (as an alias, mail-in DB etc.) then Domino will deliver anything sent to those addresses to the server Administrators group listed in the server document.
SMTP RFC’s basically require you to have those two email addresses active to allow reporting of mail abuse and the like. So Domino is smart enough to let you still get those emails, even if you weren’t smart enough to set them up yourself. It can be confusing if you don’t know Domino is doing it though, so if you didn’t already, now you know!
I’m very proud to announce my new writing gig for Intranet Journal. I’ll be writing the Intranet Solutions with Lotus Notes and Domino series going forward. It’s a great opportunity, and I have tons of stuff lined up and ready to roll. So make sure to check back each month for the latest.
This month’s article discusses Enhancing your Lotus Intranet with Open Source Solutions. I outline three of the applications on, and how they can fit into your intranet. In the next few months, I’ll get in more technical detail with each of the applications listed.
I’m really happy to be part of the Intranet Journal team. Hope you folks like what I’m putting out there.
I know there are people out there that go through their lives “child-free” and do so by choice. Some of you even call people like me “breeders.” That’s all well and good, you are free not to over-populate the world. If that’s a choice you want to make, great.
That said, this past weekend I was watching my four year-old daughter. She was running through my recently mown back yard, and she was running and jumping and chasing a butterfly. The butterfly was her new friend. It was so innocent and sweet and full of joy. Watching her filled me with love and made me so genuinely happy.
I feel sorry for you child-free folks, because you’ll never have that feeling.
For Show-N-Tell Thursday we’ve seen all sorts of cool posts with tips, tricks, code, success stories etc. etc. Today, I want to do something a little different. I want to tell you about a partner to us and the Notes community, the PSC Group.
The PSC Group is a consulting firm that we have used this past year. They have done a tremendous job and are more than just our consultants, I would consider them partners at this point.
I say this because they have been great coders when we’ve needed them, great project managers when we’ve needed them, and have helped solidify our devotion to Notes and Domino. In the past year we’ve been short-handed, and we needed a some help. So, the folks at PSC helped us with a major software project that they coded, and helped us out with some internal code that we use for our extranet. Recently we’ve talked with them about our future plans and where everything fits in.
We are finally to a point where we are no longer short-handed (with hiring two full-time developers) but I still see PSC as a part of our team. Why? Well, with how well things have gone the past year, we’re getting more and more projects to do. So even though we have two developers, we now have more work than THEY can probably complete as well. Basically, by doing a good job on what they’ve done, they’ve helped strengthen Notes and Domino within our business. And because of that, we continue to set loftier goals for ourselves.
I also appreciate the fact that PSC hosts and Ed Brill’s, and Alan Lepofsky’s blogs. Those sites are arguably three of the most important ones in the Notes and Domino community, and I think it’s cool that PSC hosts them for free. So PSC isn’t just a partner to us, I feel that they are a partner to the community, and I just wanted to acknowledge that.
Now, hopefully, in future SnTT posts I’ll see more of YOU letting us know about the good consulting firms out there, as well as the tools you like to use from various vendors. It’s always good to know which firms and tools are the best to utilize, so I hope you all share with the class as well.
Since Declan is still getting his server and ISP situation sorted out in Pittsburgh, he couldn’t blog this, but wanted me to introduce you to a new blog called Lotus Notes on Web 2.0 by William Beh in Malaysia. It’s all about using AJAX and Notes together on the web. Looks very promising. Check it out!