Wow. Fox News Channel cannot rag on Obama enough! If you trust what they are saying, US citizens cannot hate Obama and his socialist agenda enough, yet Obama’s popularity remains fairly high. Hmmmm, funny how those things seem to contradict.
I don’t think MSNBC is any better on the other side, but that is the problem for me. We have two networks that are zealots for political parties. It’s laughable that Fox says they are fair and balanced, neither they or MSNBC are at all. All this does is divide the American people more, and quite frankly it’s bullshit for NEWS organizations to act this way. News should report news, not spin it through their vast conservative or liberal filters…
All the conservatives are up in arms because the Obama regime released CIA memos that showed that America tortured prisoners. They aren’t up in arms that Bush flat-out lied about it, and they aren’t up in arms that we actually are barbaric enough to torture people. They are pissed that Obama released these documents to make Bush look bad. Really? Bush couldn’t look much worse and this is just another in a huge laundry list of items. As per usual, the Daily Show nails it.
This was a poll on TV here in Chicago last night asking if Senator Roland Burris should resign. He was the one that was appointed by now impeached governor Rod Blogojevich.
I know Blogo is an asshole, but do we really have to bring his taint into it?
Okay, today I have been having a rather intense Twitter debate with someone who I consider a friend. The thing about this is we both think each other are completely wrong on this election. It doesn’t matter. It’s not like he will change my mind, or I will change his. The thing that does matter is that we both vote. We both make our voices heard. It’s not just our right, it’s our duty as an American.
For the people that don’t vote because they don’t feel like it makes a difference, or because they are too lazy. Well screw them. Seriously, if you care SO little, then frankly, I could give two shits about you. You have no fucking right to complain. And, if you don’t vote you should simply shut the hell up when it comes to anything concerning our government. Don’t bitch about gas prices, don’t bitch about the economy, don’t bitch about your 401K, don’t bitch about how much it costs to send your kid to college. Just shut up, I don’t want to hear it anymore.
Personally I’m voting for Barack Obama. I think he brings a new vision to these politics, he’s smart, calm and composed, and can inspire people. He’s young, in shape, and I think he has some really good ideas. Notice I say some. I don’t agree with everything, but after all the research, I think he has the best plan for our country. Listening to him read his Audacity of Hope on audiobook really helped lead me to believe this man is what America needs.
Here’s the thing. I don’t hate McCain. I’ve liked him for a long time, but I think he gave in to some of the worst parts of his party by hiring the same people that buried him when he ran against Bush. The robo-calls, the insistence on trying to make him seem like a terrorist, the email campaigns saying he was a Muslim (which is being used as derogatory, which it shouldn’t be. I could give two fucks if he was a Muslim.) Trying to make him out to be a socialist (like that’s always a bad thing.) McCain basically sold out to the worst parts of his party to try to win this thing, and that disappoints me. And to top it off, you have Sarah Palin.
She was a nail in the coffin for me. Not because I don’t believe a woman shouldn’t be president, I believe an idiot shouldn’t be president. She has proven time and again in interviews that she is in no way ready to be in the White House. She harps on socialism when she has given more welfare to her constituency than anyone. Then there was Troopergate where a bipartisan panel found she had abused her power. She said there should only be abstinence-only education in schools when that clearly didn’t work with her own daughter. McCain champions Country First, when Palin’s husband was a member of the Alaskan Independence Party. The AIP wants Alaska’s succession from America, and their motto is actually Alaska First. It seems like a huge disparity to me. Then, the whole Bridge To Nowhere thing where she said “the time to build is now” when she filled out a questionnaire while running for Governor, yet proclaimed that she SAID NO to the same bridge. Oh, then the whole ‘real America’ comments. I could go on, but I won’t. She simply should not be anywhere near the White House. It’s unfortunate that McCain had to go that route.
One last thing, and even though this is funny, the following gaffe really does expose McCain’s age to me. You are supposed to retire at 65, not get seven years older and then become president. I think this campaign as stressed him too much for his age. That’s what causes something like this to happen.
Here’s hoping you all vote, regardless of whether you agree with anything I’ve said or not. Please do.
This article sums up a lot of what I think rather nicely. He’s more harsh that I would be, but I do have a lot of the same feelings.
I’ll definitely be discussing more about my thoughts on this political race as we near Election Day. In the meantime, here are some stretching of the truth in the speeches last night to tide you over.
To me, there’s nothing more despicable than violence against a child. People that sexually violate a child are the worst scum of the Earth. In fact, I’ve often thought that the death penalty should be applied in these cases. Child Rapists (as well as molesters who were entrusted with a child’s care) should just be put down in my opinion. End of story. Unfortunately it looks like the Supreme Court disagrees with me (by a 5-4 margin.)
From the majority decision:
Based both on consensus and our own independent judgment, our holding is that a death sentence for one who raped but did not kill a child, and who did not intend to assist another in killing the child, is unconstitutional under the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments.
I don’t like the decision at all, but it looks likes its based on constitutionality. [sigh] My only hope is that these bastards repeatedly get some karmic payback in prison, if you know what I mean.
I actually cannot believe what I am reading right now. For those of you who don’t know, radio personality Don Imus called the Rutger’s women’s basketball team a bunch of “nappy headed ho’s.” awhile back. Anyway, this of course turned into a huge racial thing where people called for his dismissal. What happened afterwards was this:
He apologized
The women’s team accepted his apology
He was fired anyway
Now he’s being sued for libel, slander and defamation
Yes, the center for the basketball team is suing him for “monetary damages of an unspecified amount.” Well no shit. She’s cashing in. Being called a “nappy headed ho” might just make her rich. How absolutely, ridiculously fucked-up is that? I mean really?
Here’s the thing. No one knew who this chick was before his comments. Afterwards she’s in press-conferences and on talk shows. His off-handed racist and deplorable remark made her famous, if only for her 15 minutes. His remarks cost him his JOB already. Is it supposed to cost him some money to make the poor girl with the hurt feelings feel better?
This is a lawsuit in order to restore the good name and reputation of my client, Kia Vaughn,” said her attorney, Richard Ancowitz, in an exclusive interview with the ABC News Law & Justice Unit.
Don Imus referred to my client as an unchaste woman. That was and is a lie.
OH.MY.GOD. He’s actually basing this lawsuit on that. IMUS DIDN’T REFER TO HIS CLIENT BY NAME, he called the team that. AND, DOES ANYONE IN THE WORLD ACTUALLY ALL OF SUDDEN THINK “Ooh, those girls are ho’s, I bet they will fuck me” now??? Are people REALLY that stupid? REALLY? Did this really irreparably harm these girls? Or did it make people say that these were the women who stood up for themselves?
Now that they are going after the money, every single shred of credibility they had with me is gone. Completely wasted. It’s all about the cash. That’s it. If they get money out of this our system of justice is even more fucked up than I originally thought… GAH!
Oh and for the record, Kia Vaughn, it is my opinion that you are a greedy bitch that is cashing in instead of truly accepting the apology of Don Imus. How about suing me next? Oh that’s right, I’m not a millionaire…