Leaving the Bullshit Behind
There’s something I’ve really been trying my damnedest to do over the last while, and that’s simply purge my life of bullshit that I don’t need. Get rid of things that bring me down, and cast away people that are nothing but downers.
Now I know that this might seem like it’s aimed at the Lotus community right now, but it’s not. It’s to everyone. If you get rid of all the bad, you can start to really concentrate on the good. Some people are too quick to tear each other down, or engage in arguments that really aren’t necessary. Why put yourself through that? Why engage with those types of people? I don’t get it.
If you follow someone on Facebook who is always bitching, or making you feel bad in some way, unfriend them. If someone on Twitter consistently makes you angry, unfollow them. If every time you talk to someone, they proceed to bitch about everything wrong with the world, stop taking their calls. If you consistently are angered by what someone writes on their blog, stop reading.
I’m serious, just purge the crap.
Now I’m not saying to simply surround yourself with like-minded automatons who agree with everything you say, that would be boring. But you CAN have people around you who can disagree, but do it in a respectful way, and respect your differences as well. If I always have to walk on eggshells around you in order to not set you off, then you are not the type of person I want to have around me. You’re bad for my energy, you’re bad for me.
Letting those types of people hang around is like not treating a disease. It infests and grows and poisons everything around you. So sharpen your scalpel and cut ’em loose. I know it’s much easier said than done, but if you really do it, you’ll be far happier I assure you.
I am, and I’ve just gotten started.
Roy Rumaner
January 17, 2011 @ 9:00 pm
I will miss you
Nathan T. Freeman
January 17, 2011 @ 10:06 pm
But John, if I don’t keep all the negative things that make me miserable in my life, what will I have to feel superior to?
David (The Notes Guy in Seattle)
January 17, 2011 @ 11:38 pm
How about people who end sentences with a preposition? (A dangling preposition is something up with which I will not put.)
And then there are always those negative people that you can’t avoid until the kids reach 18, like the ex.
John, I think you should take a rafting trip down the Grand Canyon. 18+ days without email, twitter, facebook, sms, cell phones, or cable TV. No ‘who-shot-who’ on the six o’clock news. No alarm clocks. No mosquitoes even. When you return, don’t expect to view the world the same.
Lars Berntrop-Bos
January 17, 2011 @ 11:48 pm
Great start of the new year, good on ya! Happy new year!
Jesper Kiaer
January 18, 2011 @ 2:37 am
Sounds like a great idea!
January 18, 2011 @ 6:31 am
#1 – Roy, I’ve put up with you this long, why would I change now?
#2 – LOL, Nate, you can feel even more superior knowing they exist and you’re not paying attention to them.
#3 – David, I try to take technology vacations a couple times a year now. It really does cleanse the soul a bit. As for the news, I rarely watch it as you’re right, it’s always all bad stuff. If it bleeds it leads as it were, especially here in Chicago. The recent partisan bullshit over the Tuscon shootings was way annoying too.
#4 – #5 – Thanks gents…
Curt Stone
January 18, 2011 @ 6:51 am
100% agree and your theme is right in line with my New Years resolution which is ‘Happiness’. Only you control your level of happiness and you can start anytime. It’s all in your attitude and under more of your control than you might think. I’m sick and tired of the gloom and doom attitude that heavy in media and blogs today.
Right on brother!
Carl Tyler
January 18, 2011 @ 9:37 am
This blog post is bullshit. That’s all
January 19, 2011 @ 3:53 pm
LOL Carl, Brilliance!