Saving you $8
Okay folks, I meant to blog about this way before now, but I NEED to warn you.
The opening of the movie has Alyson in a fat suit dancing to Milk Shake by Kelis. Mildly funny, but it dragged on for an eternity…and never got funnier, it just got sad. The rest of the flick isn’t much better at all. Instead of anything intelligent, they only went for the crude toilet humor. Quite literally in some cases. It was bad enough that the wife and I almost left in the middle. But, we decided to soldier on thinking it HAD to get better. It didn’t. At all.
So if I have done no other good deed this year, hopefully I will have kept you from wasting your money on this horrible horrible film.
Technorati tags: movies, date movie
February 26, 2006 @ 8:17 pm
Too Late!! Arrrggh- Date Movie truly SUCKED and we saw it for all the same reasons you mentioned. It is a rare movie I want to walk out of, and I was ready after the first 5 minutes. I had visions of walking into the bathroom and throwing $9.50 into the toilet- would have been more entertaining.
February 27, 2006 @ 9:58 am
Damn, I should have posted earlier!!!! Sorry UTurn!!!
February 27, 2006 @ 3:27 pm
My son went to that movie on Friday – even though I told him it was crap. All of the other movies were sold out and he was left with that. I asked him if he liked it, and he said yes. So, I think that there is a demographic, 14-17 year olds that will like it. Since their taste hasn’t evolved.
The other movie I took him, a friend, and my youngest to was The Pink Panther. The all loved it, and I was bored. I didn’t like Steve Martin in it, and I saw the jokes coming a mile away. But then, I saw Peter Sellers in the originals. Now, if you mention Pink Panther to the kids, Steve Martin IS Inspector Clouseau. I think that the moviemakers were hoping for this – older people (me) wouldn’t like it, but a new generation of movie-goers love him. So, that will setup a new run of sequels. And cash. Me? I won’t see another one.
February 28, 2006 @ 1:46 pm
Well there is a lot of very crude humor that while funny for an instant grows excrutiating to me when they drag it out too long. And they did.
For example, one part has a cat sitting on a toilet with explosive diarrhea. Yes, a cat. It was probably 60 seconds or more of this thing straining and farting and splashing and bracing itself. The initial shock of the thing on the toilet…mildly amusing. Stretching it out for over a minute… just pointless. At least to a 35 year-old.
I could see where that may have been the funniest thing in the universe for a 14 year-old.
The scary movie franchise was just so much better that it hurts though. Can’t wait for #4 of that to hit so I can get the bad taste out of my mouth…
March 12, 2006 @ 5:52 pm
I wouldn’t categorize this movie by age. My 11 year old stepdaughter, who I thought would like it, *hated* it and wanted to leave. Yet a 30 year old male friend of mine *loved* the cat diarrhea. No accounting for taste, I guess.