You don't know what you've got, 'til it's gone…
This past weekend… really from Thursday night through Tuesday afternoon, I was without internet access from Crapcast…
Now when I have a self-imposed time-out from the internet, it’s one thing. It’s entirely another when it’s not of my own volition. I found that I was catching myself over and over again suggesting things that required the internet… You really don’t realize how much you rely on it until it’s not there. And it’s such a habit to fire up the browser when I sit down to my machine at home, I must’ve done that a dozen or so times. In addition, here are the other things that I really couldn’t do for almost five days:
- Ripping CD’s with iTunes. I could do it, but the auto-download of all the artist, genre, and track info wouldn’t work. Not gonna type that in
- We went to a movie on Sunday. I couldn’t check what was playing, or times, or buy tickets online.
- I wanted to look up info on a hotel. Might’ve even booked it.
- I wanted to look up info on flights for Lotusphere. Might’ve even booked it.
- I wanted to track my packages that I’m having delivered
- I wanted to update my fantasy football teams
- I wanted to track my fantasy football team’s progress
- I wanted to see what station the Miami Dolphin game was on on Sirius satellite radio
- I wanted to transfer songs from my Yahoo Music Unlimited account and my Tivo2Go to my new MP3 player. Couldn’t do it because it had to verify licenses on the internet.
- We wanted to order groceries from Peapod
- I wanted to play GuildWars Friday night (as per my normal ritual) and couldn’t
- I wanted to do some research on Christmas gifts that I was going out to purchase
- I wanted to work from home, couldn’t do it
- I wanted to check my online banking and pay some bills
- I wanted to research RAM prices
- I couldn’t make phonecalls, because my phone is done over Vonage’s VOIP system.
- I wanted to register for a certification test, and didn’t know where to do it if I could only call on the phone
Now, I’m sure that there are several other things that I’ve forgotten… but every time I thought to do something, I had to remind myself that the internet was down. It’s unreal how something like that has become so engrained in my existence.
December 6, 2005 @ 10:41 pm
1. Read a good book;
2. Hug the kids;
3. Play a board game;
4. Play a record;
etc etc
December 7, 2005 @ 9:20 am
1. I don’t really read much anymore… unless it’s Brian Keene or Michael Oliveri
We had Sirius satellite radio or MP3’s on all weekend… that’s always a given.
2. The kids were at grandma and grandpa’s for Sun/Mon. Part of it was so we could go shopping, another was to get a lot of those things on the list done
3. Board game? With just myself and my wife? Unfortunately there’s not a lot of two person board games… good idea though.
4. Do you know how much you dated yourself by saying “record”
Today is much better though, so thanks for trying to cheer me up!
December 7, 2005 @ 9:33 am
I’ve been without connectivity a bit recently as well. My list includes:
GoogleMaps for directions to everything as well as finding alternate commute tweaks when the traffic pattern changes (construction, weather).
My TiVos get their programming over the internet, not the phone line
Blogging. Reading and writing them.
Newpapers – I read them online nowadays.
December 7, 2005 @ 10:42 am
You still write a blog?
Been missing your take on the world man… And I agree on the google maps and news info. I’m the same way.
As for my TiVo’s, they get their info over the internet too… it’s just that they are not really being used now that I have my dual-tuner hi-def DVR’s from Comcast….
December 10, 2005 @ 7:01 pm
I noticed that you follow fantasy football. I have a website where I provide free weekly fantasy football coverage. I provide updated injuries, possible free agents available, and recommendations on who to start. Feel free to visit the site at
Happy Holidays,