Outlaw Sparklers?
So, some alderman want to outlaw the sale and use of sparklers. I say HUZZAH! I’m glad government wants to protect me from the evil sparkler… you know what? I bet that gas grills account for a lot of accidents too… LET’S OUTLAW THOSE!!!!! Please protect me from Darwin…. PLEASE, I can’t be depended on not to be a fucking moron and burn myself!!!! Please please please protect me! I can’t do it myself. I’m just not able. And think of the children… THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!
June 29, 2005 @ 5:12 pm
Let’s see, she wants to ban sparklers because her daughter was burned when another kid threw one at her??!! Why didn’t she just bitch-slap the kid (or her parents) to teach her not to throw burning things at people?
Hey, I have a better idea. Let’s follow this to the (il)logical end: If I take a gun and shoot her in the ass; does that mean that instead of sending me to jail we should just outlaw guns? Sounds like one hell of a fun town!
(Jeesh John, you riled me up with 3 posts in a row -this has got to be some kind of a record).
June 30, 2005 @ 10:56 am
Not to add fuel to your fire, but quite a few cities have banned the sale and use of ALL fireworks inside city limits. We haven’t been able to buy fireworks inside the city I live in, which is no where NEAR the size of Chicago, for as long as I can remember, and they banned the use of all fireworks, including sparklers, when I was a child.
Of course, banning the use inside city limits doesn’t stop that child from throwing a sparkler at someone OUTSIDE city limits.
June 30, 2005 @ 12:11 pm
Hi Debbie, welcome to my little world here.
Even most places that ban fireworks allow sparklers and those little snake things… Sorry to hear your place doesn’t.
It just riles me up that we have to make ordinances and laws like these. There are SO many things that are WAY more important. Ugh.
And the one woman bitched about the kid throwing a sparkler at her daughter. How about slapping around the kid, like Devin said above? And how does a sparkler sit on a shoe long enough to burn all the way through it and give a kid 2nd and 3rd degree burns? Were they paper shoes?
Oh well. I just see more and more freedoms hoisted away to “protect us” and it just drives me crazy. Allow me to take personal responsibility for my own actions. [sigh]
Anyway, welcome again!
June 30, 2005 @ 1:47 pm
Thanks for the welcome, Grey!
I’ve been reading for a long while, I just don’t often comment.
And I understand your frustrations, and I agree with the concept. Too bad other people and their personal injury lawyers don’t. Didn’t you realize we aren’t responsible for our actions anymore? There is always someone else to blame and potential for a lawsuit.
And, of course, the ways to stop said lawsuit is to put absurd warnings on everything and/or pass laws.
I hope you enjoy your fireworks.
June 30, 2005 @ 2:19 pm
Hi Debbie,
Using my internet sluething capabilities I see you’re in Missouri. I graduated from Truman State (it was NMSU back then) in 94. Are you a Domino person, or did you just happen upon me here?
Back then I’m pretty sure that fireworks were legal in Kirkville during a week surrounding 4th of July. I know I remember having Roman Candle fights.
Yeah, it was dumb, but if I woulda gotten hurt I wouldn’t have sued!!!
Too bad others cannot take personal responsibility too… heh.
Anyway, thanks for reading!
greyhawk68 AT gmail DOT com
June 30, 2005 @ 2:59 pm
Hi Grey,
Yep, in MO. I’m in Jeff City. I graduated from Mizzou. *smirk* Yeah, us and our stupid school renaming! Did you see they just renamed SMSU to Missouri University?! Yeah, that’ll make it stand out.
I am a Domino person, I had a quick crash course back in late 99 to develop an application. I really do not consider myself very good at it, I struggle with anything outside the “normal” functions. We don’t use Notes mail, so that whole aspect of learning is void, and I only really “have” the one system. (I say system since it’s like 11 databases
) (Well, ok, there is one other application, but no one uses it. *sigh*) I have a ton of script in it, probably not as pretty and clean as you’d like it
but it works.
I read a list of Domino blogs. I would be lost without them, to be honest. I get sooo much information from all of you. So thanks for keeping it up!
July 3, 2005 @ 5:02 pm
Um, John.
Remember I do love you and all….
I was chased by a kid when I was 10 or so and burned on the back with a sparkler.
Burned through the shirt I was wearing and gave me a 2nd degree burn.
It wasn’t like I was standing there let him hold it to me he was just faster than me
… it was quite hot.
Now, that being said… I wouldn’t suggest the banning of sparklers at all unless the drought is so bad that we will burn up the <b>country</b> by not being careful.
July 4, 2005 @ 9:45 am
C’mon Shawn, I know you, you probably deserved it!
And, if someone was doing that to you, the supervising adults should have been watching… Just because they didn’t, didn’t mean that sparklers needed to be banned. Substitute “kitchen knife” for sparkler and it could have happened the same way, albeit a different injury
And if someone was chasing after you like that, maybe the problem was the company you keep. Wait… I’m part of the company you keep, scratch that….
Happy 4th All!