How can a father kill his child?
Those not from the Chicago area aren’t probably familiar with this story, so I’ll give you some background. In June, in Wilmington Illinois, three-year old Riley Fox was reported missing from her parents home, and was later found drowned and sexually abused in the Kankakee River.
I used to live in Wilmington, it’s a very small rural community of less around five thousand people. Nothing like an abduction or murder had happened there in decades. Understandably, this shook the community. Was there a predator in their town? Residents were nervous, saddened and outraged all at the same time.
The mother and father buried their daughter, devastated at the loss. Nearly six thousand people attended the funeral. More than the entire population of the town.
On Tuesday, Riley’s father confessed to the murder.
His defense however is that he opened a bathroom door too hard and hit Riley in the head. He thought that Riley was dead, and he panicked. He concocted the scheme to fake her abduction, and he even sexually assaulted the body after she was dead in the water to add realism.
The sick fuck should die. I would pull the trigger, flip the switch or inject the needle myself without hesitation.
I cannot fathom how someone could do what he did. If I accidentally opened a door hard enough to think I killed my daughter (which is fucking ludicrous to begin with), I would have called 911 immediately. My first thought would never be ‘How can I fake her abduction?’
Only someone with something to hide would think that way. I don’t believe for a second that the sexual abuse happened only in the water. I think it happened in the household, and he was afraid she would tell. The only way to prevent that was to kill his daughter.
The mother was gone that night, on a walk for Breast cancer awareness nonetheless. So this was not her fault for not stopping it. She wasn’t there. And now her daughter is dead.
I look at my almost three-year-old and I cannot even imagine how ANYONE could consider a kid that age a sexual object. It’s sick. The thought makes me nauseous, it makes me angry. I fully and truly believe that anyone who harms a child in this manner has NO place in society. Period. Put a fucking bullet in his head and thin the herd. Better yet, let HIM be raped in prison for a few years first. Let him see how it feels to be a the sexual mercy of a predator. A quick death is almost too good for Mr. Fox. I hope he suffers for years with the knowledge of what he has done.
But, as I sit here, the family is supporting him! They think that the confession was coerced. His wife thinks he is 100% innocent. How faking an abduction of your child and then sexually assaulting her dead body after dumping her in a river and then lying to authorities is innocent I’ll never understand. The wife and their family are quite simply fucking idiots. You cannot cling to a thought of innocence in this case.
The evil and stupidity of this world astound me. I need to go hug my girls.
October 29, 2004 @ 12:58 pm
I’m with you, man. I can’t think of a punishment bad enough to fit that crime.
November 1, 2004 @ 12:33 pm
There are some sick bastards out there! Feed ’em to the hyenas!
December 1, 2004 @ 3:02 pm
First of all, let me say that you’re wrong.
Kevin never admitted to any thing, especially not killing his daughter.
The story the police gave him was fabricated.
HERE, so you can stop blabbering random ignorant bullshit…
Full Text Removed, what they posted is here:
Kevin Fox did not voluntarily give any statements implicating him in his daughterÂ’s death.
Don’t call us fucking idiots, for you have never walked in our shoes. You are one ignorant bastard.
December 10, 2004 @ 11:38 am
Wow, your first post is pretty brutal, especially for not knowing ANYTHING! The police never said he confessed, they said he implicated himself, which could mean anything and since the video had not been made public and the only people that know what is on the tape is the Will County Sheriff’s Dept and Kevin Fox. You say your from Wilmington, then I’m assuming you are familiar with Illinois’ track history of pinning the wrong person to the case.
Maybe you should do a bit more research b/f shooting off at the mouth that someone is a sick f*ck and that you would hit the switch. I hope you are never in the wrong place at the wrong time, b/c Karma is a bitch, and Karma is not just actions you undo to others, its the cruelty of your words. Do you not think that anyone in Riley and Kevin’s family, Kevin’s friends, are not searching the web, or not seeing websites like this who are saying someone is guilty b/f he, himself has entered a plea. Remember the law states someone is innocent until PROVEN guilty. And by proving guilty it means 100 percent without a doubt. None of the physical evidence that the police have collected has comeback, do you know why???? B/c the police do not deem Riley Fox’s murder high priority. Nice, a 3 year old little girl is murdered in a small town and its not considered high priority. Geez, I wonder what is.
December 10, 2004 @ 1:42 pm
‘Kevin Fox did not voluntarily give any statements implicating him in his daughterÂ’s death.’
Hmmm… here it said that he MADE A VIDEOTAPED CONFESSION:
Kinda hard to fabricate him confessing ON VIDEO. The police couldn’t very well say that IF they didn’t have it.
I’m sorry for your loss of Riley. Losing a family member like that is horrible, but you cannot continue to defend someone who has confessed to a crime.
I don’t care WHAT you did to me, or HOW many hours you kept me in a cell, I would never confess ON VIDEO to something I DID NOT DO, especially if it was something as horrific as killing my own daughter.
And as anyone who has ever watched any cop drama in the world knows anything you say can and will be used against you in court of law. He could have not said a word until a lawyer was present. But he didn’t choose that path did he?
If cops grilled me I would be “Fuck You, I did not kill my daughter, and I’m not saying another word until my lawyer is present.”
You can call me a bastard and go on about Karma and all of that shit, but the bottom line is he confessed. To me he’s guilty. This wasn’t some black teen in a chicago jail cell getting roughed up by the police. This was an adult white mail in a podunk town. The coersion doesn’t fly with me.
And if the lawyer gets him off, there really is no justice in this world.
December 14, 2004 @ 10:40 am
So you have seen the videotape? Because no one has, and no one knows what is on there except for LE and Kevin Fox. No this isn’t some black kid in the in a Chicago jail….it was a bunch of cops from a small community wanting to get someone on the chopping block so the State’s Attorney could save face since he had f*cked up so many other things during his term, maybe he thought by bringing someone down in the murder of a little girl that worked that small community. They brought him in on a “feeling” nothing more…they didn’t get some piece of evidence back and then brought him…it was a feeling.
December 14, 2004 @ 12:00 pm
I don’t care WHAT reason they brought him in for. He confessed on video. FIRST I would not have gone in without a lawyer, and secondly, I would have never confessed to something I did not do, ever.
Police could not have said they had a videotaped confession if they didn’t have one. Period.
You are clinging to the hope that he really didn’t do it. I understand that feeling. But to truly believe that he didn’t do it, after he confessed, is naive.
Tell me another thing. Why was there not the $20,000 reward BEFORE he was charged? Why did they create the website AFTER he was charged. Why didn’t they have a website devoted to finding her killer BEFORE?
To me, these things came up as a PR move once he was charged. They needed as many things in the news as possible to salvage his reputation.
Also, how many grieving couples who just lost their child travel to Las Vegas to get over it? Doesn’t seem right to me.
I’m not the only one to think this way. Keep searching the internet and you’ll find the majority of sentiment is on the Kevin Fox is guilty side of things as well.
You aren’t going to change my mind on this. And when the trial happens, you just may change your mind as well.
December 14, 2004 @ 12:31 pm
I do want to add something here. First of all, you have to understand my rage is directed towards the killer of Riley. Anyone who could murder and sexually abuse a little girl does not deserve to live. They should be dealt the harshest punishments available.
I would say that even Kevin’s supporters agree on this. Whoever did this is sick and evil and they deserve to die. I would also say that most of Kevin’s supporters feel far more strongly on this point than I do. I’m sure they want justice for Riley. I would.
I have two daughters and cannot fathom the loss.
At this point, we have a videotaped confession from Kevin Fox. At that point it becomes cut and dry for me that Fox is indeed the killer.
You can say that he was coerced all you want, but no normal, sane father would EVER, and I mean EVER confess to that.
Maybe something will come out in the trial that will change my mind. If that happens I will surely apologize. But I cannot imagine what kind of evidence would come out that would trump a videotaped confession, I just don’t.
This is a rational, sane point of view that pretty much any person would take. I’m sorry if Kevin’s supporters cannot understand this.
There is another thing that seems wierd to me on this case. The mother thinks that it was a stranger that wandered in and abducted Riley.
This seems implausible to me for a few reasons. First of all, Wilmington is a small community that doesn’t take kindly to strangers. I know, I lived there. Everyone keeps an eye on strangers. If there WAS a stranger, why didn’t anyone see anything?
Secondly, it was said that the boy and Riley were both sleeping in the living room. Why? Why not take them to their beds? And even more wierd is that if they WERE sleeping there, how could a stranger take Riley without waking up the brother? To me the only way to do that would have been to be someone the kids both knew, such as their father. It makes a lot more sense than a random stranger breaking in, walking through the house and making off with Riley without waking anyone.
Until something concrete comes out that can sway me, I think that Kevin Fox is guilty. A confession from him seals that deal for me. Sorry.
December 14, 2004 @ 2:10 pm
My feelings of not guilty are based solely on Illinois’ reputation for screwing up criminal matters and be politically tied and a gut instict. I too, even more is brought to the table, such as DNA evidence, that points to Kevin Fox, I will then admit I am wrong. But just b/c they said he implicated himself does not mean the worlds “I killed my daughter by accident and then sexually assualted her to make it look like an abduction” I have read transcripts in which the confession was coerced, they individuals never said “I did it”. The cops said it for them and at one point one of the guys “I guess if you say it happened, but I don’t…” and then the cop cuts him off “there we go we got the confession” Since you are from Illinois then you are familiar with the Ford Heights Four? The four young black men who confessed to raping and killing a young white couple. Two of which were sentenced to death, 20 years later, the real killer is caught through DNA. Why did these boys confess knowing they didn’t do it.
You would think after 14-1/2 hours he could have come up with a better story then what the cops said he said and why would anyone say they sexually assualted a child whether they did or didn’t knowing what will happen once you go to prison?
I too am angered by this little girls death and maybe my wanting it not be her dad, to have it not been her dad’s eyes that she looked into as she was being hurt, has clouded my view of this case. But for right now while there is nothing more than a LE says/Fox Family says I will stick with my original gut instict, not guilty. Until more is brought to the table.
December 14, 2004 @ 2:34 pm
The fact that you are from Illinois makes it more likely for you to think it’s coerced, just because of things like the Ford Heights Four, I get that. But, that was 20 years ago. There are a couple of reasons why that is way more unlikely now.
The first is simply because of how high-profile something like those cases were. People have to be WAY more careful nowadays. Lawsuits are far more rampant, and scrutiny is far higher.
Secondly, those were young black teens implicated in the murder of whites. Racial equality still isn’t here today, and back then it was far worse. I’m sure these kids were abused during questioning, and were told of all the horrible things that would happen to them if they didn’t confess. These were scared kids, without much of any chance of decent legal representation, THEY panicked. They were also accused of killing strangers, not their own flesh and blood.
I’m not saying it’s right, it is FAR from it. But I think young black kids, being abused by white cops, in a situation where they had no way out, are far more likely to be coerced.
Kevin on the other hand, could get legal counsel, wasn’t the victim of racial predjudice, was an adult, and was accused of killing and sexually abusing his very own daughter.
The circumstances are very different.
That’s why it’s hard for me to believe he is innocent since they say they have a videotaped confession.
Now granted, if he said something like “I guess if you say it happened that way” and that was considered the confession, it would be way too weak to use in court. I think police are aware of how much scrutiny this is under for them to fall victim to that.
I guess we agree to disagree, and both agree that apologies are in order if the other one is right. You have far more invested emotionally in this than I do, so for your sake I really hope I’m wrong. I would truly like to believe that a father couldn’t do that to his own daughter.
Unfortunately, I don’t believe that I am wrong.