STOP! Geezer Time…
34 years ago today, my mother popped me out after 16 hours of excruciating labor. Yes, ’tis my birthday. You can all now rejoice.
So, what did I plan for my birthday? You guessed it, Domino upgrades! 🙂 I got into work at 5:45 AM and upgraded 5 servers in the Midwest and on the west coast to Domino 6.5.3. Man, I know how to party!
Everything went off without a hitch, and everything is purring along nicely. I love that Lotus does not have a rip-and-replace mentality. Almost every upgrade I’ve ever done has been wondrous.
But back to me. I survived another year, and am thrilled at the prospect of surviving another 50 or so… It’s interesting, because this time of year I always reminisce about the past. It’s a fall thing for me. For some reason the change in colors makes me think about past friends, past loves, past *ahem* evenings. The birthday does that too, but fall man, it just makes me nostalgic.
To heighten that this year, I got my invitation to my 15 year class reunion. I’m not going this year because I went to my 10th, and I doubt if people have changed that much. It’s also the weekend after Thanksgiving, and I have to work on that Friday.
But nonetheless, I wonder how all of my classmates are doing, and WHO they are doing. 🙂
This time of reflection makes me realize how good I have it now. Great wife, wonderful kids, supportive family, happy new job. Not everyone can say that. But at 34 I can. That makes me happy. Makes me smile.
I also realize how all of my old experiences shape who I am today. That’s why there is nothing in life that I regret. Regretting things means that you are unhappy with the way things currently are. I have no regrets. I am happy. I am 34. Rejoice!
October 22, 2004 @ 10:17 am
Happy Birthday!
October 22, 2004 @ 10:33 am
Thanks Preacher Man! I’m not much of a religious man, but it’s hard not to believe in something when life is going so well!
October 22, 2004 @ 12:19 pm
Happy b-day, John!
October 22, 2004 @ 9:10 pm
Happy Birthday Johnny.
I went to the 15th Class Reunion. My first one.
My high school experience was different than yours, so I am certain it was a weirder experience than your’s would be John. I stood at the edge of the group, trying to recognize faces and deciding who I wanted to talk to. In the end, since my hair has grown a bit since they saw me last and none of them have ever seen me with facial hair, there was one person who I approached and talked to for most of the night.
He and I had been friends actually in Junior High and had drifted apart in High School, but he recognized me and made me feel welcome. Most of the people came to talk to him, Class Vice President and were amazed to see me for the first time in 15 years.
I freaked a few of them out, but in the end spent more time there than I wanted to and felt weird in the end.
Most of the people I wanted to see wern’t there, which is a shame… perhaps if they had been present I wouldn’t have felt it was a waste for me. I don’t know.
Fall does it to me also man. Love the season, but start packing away the memories to survive the winter.
October 25, 2004 @ 9:21 am
yo john, happy birthday man! see you at the sphere! not sure how it happened, but we’ll both be a year older than last time!
October 25, 2004 @ 11:28 am
Yes, that is very bizarre John
We’ll have to discuss how we did it over a couple of drinks at the Sphere!
And Shawn, I don’t think I would feel outta place at my reunion, but I don’t really have a burning desire to know what everyone is doing. I doubt that MUCH has changed in the last five years.
I just feel bad that so many of my classmates didn’t escape the Dubuque area. It’s not exactly as “enlightened” as Iowa City is.
October 25, 2004 @ 12:09 pm
Happy belated Birthday from everyone in the Pridelands!
October 25, 2004 @ 3:09 pm
Happy birthday!
October 25, 2004 @ 9:29 pm
OK, so I’m late. But I just had a margarita in celebration of your birthday (to be fair, I’ll drink to most anything). But happy late childhood….because at 34, you’re just a pup, buddy!