Using Notes Documentation and Open Source
Hey folks, does anyone out there have some good FREE documentation on using the Notes 6.5 client? Basically a primer for new users who have never touched Notes before? Or better yet, for people converting from Outlook?
I thought Lotus used to have a nice “Using Notes Primer” document for R5, but I cannot find anything for ND6. If you’ve created anything you don’t mind me using, I would appreciate a copy. It can be for any version ND6 on up.
I have a hard time paying for a simple this-is-how-you-use-email-and-calendar primer, so many of these “Using Notes” books are out. And this is something I could take a few days and create myself, but why expend the energy if someone else has already done all the dirty work.
This begs the question, why don’t we do something like this as an Open Source document? Having a “Using Notes” or a “Notes for Outlook Users” document housed at OpenNTF would seem like a natural fit. I’m sure almost all of us could have used that type of document at one time or another.
September 29, 2004 @ 9:37 pm
Sounds like the perfect application for a Wiki. If you can make one in Domino, great! Otherwise I’m sure there are a ton of Wiki platforms out there.
Take care,
September 30, 2004 @ 6:46 am
I would be interested in helping out on this, it could always come in useful…
September 30, 2004 @ 1:42 pm
A Wiki is a good idea overall, and there are Notes Wiki templates out there. The only problem I have is that something like that isn’t conducive to a document you can hand an end-useer. Also, if a new user is intimidated by learning Notes, they may not be savvy enough to really “get” a wiki either…
I still think the wiki is a good idea, but a nice published open source doc would be good too.
Might have to work on that, if I do, looks like you are in Paul!
October 1, 2004 @ 4:49 pm
Wiki wiki…
That’s definitely the way to go with development of something like this…
And a good reason for the ‘community’ to develop a wiki publishing template to easily create a hardcopy of the content within…
October 11, 2004 @ 9:10 am
Actually, a proper piece of documentation for this will involve extensive graphics, so you’d need a rich Wiki. Which, come to think of it, would be super cool. Does OpenWiki handle this?