Just my luck…
Well, even though the job hunt is actually going well (I have several interviews this week, and I should have a final answer at another place in a week or so) there is one job that it looks like I’m not going to get.
You see, I interviewed with a major airline for a Senior Analyst position. The job is right up my alley, the skills are perfect, I would be keeping Domino apps up and running and so on. But, the week I went in to interview, they had just placed a hiring freeze. Seems this airline was coming out of bankruptcy and all hires were on hold until they got news on a loan from the government. Well, late last week the government rejected the loan, so it seems like in addition to the freeze, the airline is going to have to cut jobs.
So, I found a job that looked great, went through phone interviews, pre-interviews and a full barrage three-person interview. The interviews went incredibly well in my opinion, and I really think I would have landed this job. But looks like that isn’t happening any time soon. Oh well, I guess it was better to not get it right off instead of being hired and then having the place crumble around me.
Who knows, maybe it will come through yet, but I’ve got a couple other really excellent prospects that I wouldn’t mind getting an offer from either. Time will tell.
June 23, 2004 @ 9:34 am
hang in there bro, it sounds like you are getting close!