Rest In Peace Pip
Well, my month keeps getting better. I went down to my home office on Saturday morning to clean the ferret litter. During the process, my female sable, Pip, would always harass me until I had to put her in her exercise ball. Well, when I started cleaning, she never came to visit. I figured she was just sleeping as she was cuddled up in her little bed. But, when she never woke up the entire time I was working, I knew that something was up.
I checked her out, and sure enough, she had passed away. It looks as though she had just died peacefully in her sleep, so that’s the most I could hope for. One of my previous males had a long bout with a disease that made him lose his hair. He suffered for awhile too. It wasn’t nice. At least Pip died happily I guess.
I just feel bad for Tweak. He’s our male, and has never been alone. He’s always had Pip as a companion since he was a little kit. He’s moping around quite a bit now, and it’s sad. Hopefully he’ll snap out of it and get back to his boisterous self.
In all, I know this isn’t a major thing in the grand scheme of life, but I’ll miss her nonetheless. Rest In Peace Pip.
April 17, 2004 @ 8:08 pm
Sorry to hear about that.
We went through that about two years ago, I think it was. We had Slinky and Scooter, f/m. We got them at the same time, so they grew up together and were mates. We lost Slinky (she looked just like pip, actually) , and Scooter was really, really mopey. He kept looking for her, it broke our hearts.
So, we adopted another one… Scooter’s getting his comeuppance though, he would never leave Slinky alone. Now he’s an old grandpa, and our new rugrat, Chloe, won’t leave him alone.
Wow, Scooter’s gotta be about 8 years old by now…
April 20, 2004 @ 8:30 am
Hi Jess,
Thanks for posting. I really like your blog too… Another one added to the blogroll
I’ve had ferrets since college, and whenever one would pass away, we would buy a friend for them. This time we decided to hold off. Tweak is 5-6 years old already, and it’s time to break the cycle unfortunately.
He seems to be doing much better now, so hopefully he’ll be happy as an “only ferret.”
Take Care,
April 20, 2004 @ 8:46 am
Okay, I’m glad I’m not the only one who worried about breaking the cycle. The age difference between Chloe and Scooter is huge, so I think Chloe will also have the honor of being the last ferret. Which is fine, she pals around with my puppy, so it’s not like she’ll be TOTALLY alone.