Stop supporting the Girl Scouts?
Okay, now this story makes me understand why Bush is such an idiot when it comes to gay marriage. Basically, people in Texas that live in the town where Bush has his ranch are boycotting the Girl Scouts of America. Why you ask? Well it’s simple, the Girl Scout organization there supported Planned Parenthood.
OH MY GOD! We must punish the girl scouts for THAT! You see, the Girl Scouts had given a “woman of distinction” award to a Planned Parenthood executive. They had also given its endorsement to a sexual education program “in which girls and boys are given literature on homosexuality, masturbation and condoms.” So even though the Girl Scouts themselves never taught these things or brought any of it into their organization, people in Texas are pulling their children and disbanding groups. I just don’t get it.
Here’s one woman that was a Brownie leader:
Okay, this woman was a Brownie leader and yet she never saw any of this until one nutcase complained. It’s not like the organization was going to her and saying she should do this. It’s a prefect example of idiocy in this country.
For one thing, if any of these people think that their kids aren’t going to have sex, they are completely misguided. Kids should have real, decent info on these things instead of hiding everything away. I guarantee you that an uneducated kid runs a WAY higher risk of STD’s and pregnancy, no matter WHAT your religion preaches. Secondly, don’t blame the Girl Scouts when you didn’t even KNOW that they were doing anything you disliked. None of their politics crept into your Brownie troop, so let it go already.
This is where Bush comes from. Explains a lot on his gay marriage stance!
March 4, 2004 @ 1:54 pm
Hmm. Reminds me of the Boston Tea Party. Different politics of the time, but the innocent middlemen, the tea shippers, were the brunt of the political protest. I guess freedom of speech should really be conditional.
March 4, 2004 @ 2:20 pm
I know you are winking there, but I want to make sure I state this:
I believe that freedom of speech is ABSOLUTE!
So I agree with everyone’s right to say what they think no matter how vile I may find it to be. But, that also gives me the right to say what I feel if I think people are acting like idiots..
So, the women had the right to pull their kids, I just think they are venting their anger at Thin Mints instead of taking on who they ACTUALLY dislike!
Take Care,
March 4, 2004 @ 2:37 pm
Oh yeah, totally. I look at their reaction this way, though… I would expect any die-cast liberal to boycott the Boy Scouts for their exclusion of gay troup leaders. It’s not stupid so much as consistent with one’s worldview. People speak with their feet… seems like good democracy to me.
I’m still trying to nail down a neighbor kid or relative who can get me a box of Thinmints… they’ve all grown up too fast and aren’t selling them anymore.
March 5, 2004 @ 2:07 pm
Wait, you mean they told the kids there is life after sex? That masturbation will not make them go blind? That condoms save lives and help prevent unwanted pregnancies? That homosexuality is perfectly ok?
Holy Cow!
Here’s how to fix it:
* Have the Girl Scouts “top brass” publically executed.
* Death penalty for pre-marital sex, homosexuality and masturbation.
* Customers must present proof of age (21) and marriage in order to buy condoms. Roman Catholics would prefer to see them outlawed anyway, so that might be a good idea also.
* Obviously, any sex-ed books will need to be burned. Texas will probably also institute the death penalty for posession.
That’ll show ’em!!!
Remember how well the prohibition worked? How the War on Drugs with harsh penalties has totally eliminated the drug problem? This will work even better!