Domino Administrator FAIL – Thus I FAIL

Well I had seen some inconsistencies in the administration server of several databases that was causing adminp processes to fail. So I figured I would just select all the mail files on a server, and properly set the Administration server using the above method. Should be pretty easy.
Well look at the screenshot. I clicked the Modify Administration Server setting check box, and then I chose the server I wanted to change it to (the blue blurred out bit.) I then clicked OK and it set the admin server for all of the databases I had selected. Any eagle-eyed admins notice what’s wrong? The NONE radio button is still chosen. It didn’t automatically change to SERVER when I actually chose a server. Also, even though the radio button was on NONE, it still allowed me to choose a server from the drop-down. So even though I thought I added the right admin server, I actually set the admin server on all the databases to NONE. Makes it kinda hard for adminp to do its job dontchathink?
Now I KNOW that this is my fault because I didn’t notice that the radio button still said NONE, but I think that from a UI standard perspective, I shouldn’t be allowed to choose a server if the radio button says NONE. Or if I can choose a server, the radio button should automatically change to say SERVER.
Oh well, At least by setting all of my mail file’s Administration Servers to say NONE, I can now be a part of Worst Practices.