Holding Court (Week 6)

Holding Court (Week 6), originally uploaded by Greyhawk68.
Week 6 in my 52 Weeks project. I went outside while visiting my in-laws and caught this photo. The river is simply gorgeous on a bright winter day.
Week 6 in my 52 Weeks project. I went outside while visiting my in-laws and caught this photo. The river is simply gorgeous on a bright winter day.
This hotel was the launching pad of the outing known lovingly as Project Drunken Leprechaun (#pdl)
The reason I like the photo and included it as Week 5 is because I shot it handheld for 1 second and was able to steady it enough to get the detail in the hieroglyphics on the sign. Also having the shutter open that long brought out the cool looking clouds behind it.
So yeah, it’s a hotel sign, but I really dig the overall look. Hope you do too.
For those of you that like my yearly Lotusphere photoset on flickr, you can find this year’s Lotusphere 2010 Photo Set here. Let me know if there are any particular photos you folks really like (or dislike for that matter.)
Here is Professor Brian Cox (@profbriancox on Twitter) of the Large Hadron Collider project with a photograph of our sun behind him. His speech to close Lotusphere 2010 was awesome and it’s amazing how small and insignificant we really are in this whole universe.
For my week three photo I decided to post one of my Lotusphere pictures. I liked the light and reflections in this one. I have many more coming once I have time to cull through them and “develop” them from RAW. Stay tuned!
This is how you know Lotusphere is done, when the community take the stage for the final photo each year.
I truly love many of these people, and miss them when we aren’t at our family reunion.
Safe travels everyone, look forward to next year.
Many thanks to Volker Weber (vowe) for using my camera to take this photo
Here’s my second week photo. I took this one and then started messing with the controls on it a bit in Lightroom and I really like how this turned out. It looks best when viewed large…
In my resolutions I stated that I wanted to do more with my photography this year, and with that I’m going to try to do my 52Week project where I post one photo I’ve taken and produced every week. This is my one from last week, and I’ll post this weeks soon. Enjoy!
You scratch my back I scratch yours!
Well for my 52 Weeks project, I was going to be in Orlando for Lotusphere for Week three. I had planned on doing some nice HDR stuff, or maybe a long exposure of water at one of the fountains, but just never got around to it. So, I went through all the pictures I took at Lotusphere and tried to grab the best one.
I had some good candid portraits of Conductor Ben Zander ( http://www.benjaminzander.com ) and I had some artsy stuff of a set of lights, but I think this one is just perfect.
It captures him coming on stage, frames him with his background up on the screen and his piano. He has a great look on his face, and it captures the motion. So even though this isn’t the shot for the week I set out to challenge myself with, it’s the one I’m going with because I like it a lot.
Hope you do too. Now on to Week 4!