Glad The Blog is Still Here
Your dark’s too vivid, the light’s not there
My last post went up Dec. 10th but I had written it immediately after the election. The problem was, when I went to post it, I found that my website had been infected with malware. The infection took out several of my personal sites as well as one of my friend’s business sites which I maintain for him. So everything went dark for a bit.
It took several weeks of back and forth with my hosting provider (whom I’ve been with for over two decades) as well as some paid professional services to get everything cleaned up. Due to how things got infected and cleaned, my provider couldn’t figure out how the malware/hackers got in. It took quite a bit to get things all sorted, and the infection popped up a couple more times before we finally seemed to have it under control.
During that downtime, I faced the realization that I might lose two decades of posts here. Part of it was fairly liberating to be honest. But the other, more nagging part, was that I was going to miss all of that history. In addition, I would miss writing here, especially during the next four years.
No, I don’t plan on writing a bunch of political stuff (although it may happen from time to time) but rather I want to lean into art. I restarted my Flickr account, and have started to post on Bluesky. I plan on focusing quite a bit on photography, videography and other creative endeavors.
I have to admit this is all me trying to distract myself from the abject horrors that are sure to surface under the new regime. The last term almost broke me, so I’m going to go to try to insulate myself a bit better this time. Art, writing, and learning new technology will fuel me. I hope you can find the things you need to help you as well. Be kind to each other.
And today’s title is from Two Faced by Linkin Park, one of my albums of the year. My music post will get here soon but the line “your dark’s too vivid, the light’s not there” was a really powerful turn of phrase for me. Vivid darkness is a kick ass concept. Thanks LP.