IBM Lotus
The Good, The Sad and the Meh
This has been a rather interesting week for me from a technology perspective.
First, at the day gig, we are launching a new piece of software that effectively runs our entire business. It’s a big change, so myself and Declan have been traveling and helping answer questions during training. It’s the largest software launch that our company has probably ever done, and it’s all written in XPages. Yes, XPages.
Declan has put together an incredible application and I’m very excited for it to go live. It requires Lotus Domino 8.5.3 for some of the functionality, and lo and behold, that was released by IBM on Tuesday.
We’ve been testing 8.5.3 for quite some time, and actually wrote this application in all of the betas. So we’re confident that 8.5.3 is going to work well, and very happy that it finally shipped. 🙂 That was the good…
On that same day another company in Cupertino, California announced a product of much speculation. The general consensus on the iPhone 4S was “meh” but it’s still a pretty damn cool phone. I’ve already gotten floods of requests for the new device (especially since it is now on Sprint) so that’s going to take off quite a bit I think.
Lastly was the sad news of the death of Steve Jobs. I know there have been tons of eulogies out on the web, so I don’t have too much to add other than it does make me sad to see such an innovative person leave us so young. 56 IS young folks. And cancer… well just fuck cancer.
Anyway, think of how profoundly Steve Jobs changed everything about computing. From creating the first truly “personal” computer to revolutionizing the phone and tablet market. There was no smart phone market five years ago. No portable music market ten years ago. No real tablet market two years ago. No app stores. Sure these things existed in small pockets, but no one ever really got them to work, and to take off, and be as wildly successful as Apple made them.
Jobs got the music industry to sell unprotected DRM-free music. Got movie and TV studios to rent movies digitally. Got periodicals to create digital versions. Hell, they even got Adobe to create tons of support for HTML 5.
Let’s not forget his time running Pixar, the most successful digital movie creator in the world.
Steve Jobs was a one of a kind individual. And one that I admired, and try to emulate on certain levels. It was a sad day for technology, and a sad day for me personally.
I wore a black turtleneck and jeans today. My little way of paying homage to someone I admired. RIP Steve, you’ve made a huge impact on me, and how I compute on a daily basis. Thank You.
SSL Hell
If you’re a long time reader of this blog, you are very aware that I hate the way SSL is implemented on Domino. I mean c’mon, even the logo in the management database still has the old R5 Domino logo.
Anyway, at the day gig, we have a wildcard SSL certificate to handle multiple subdomains within our main domain. That means that each domain in the * range uses the same SSL certificate. So and both use the same cert. Domino handles this a little weirdly itself as you require a specific IP address for each SSL subdomain, but that’s not what I ran into this week.
What happened is that we need to use that same SSL wildcard on an IIS server. So, we simply downloaded it from our registrar and tried to install it within IIS. Problem is, it didn’t work. Searching for Google info on SSL on Domino is a little sparse, so my server admin contacted the registrar to see what they thought. They said we needed to export the certificate from Domino and then import it into IIS. For some reason, you couldn’t just install it on IIS once it was already installed previously on Domino.
So, I go to the SSL database on Domino and opened our keyring for our wildcard certificate. I looked around and couldn’t find an Export function anywhere. It doesn’t exist. In addition, Domino saves your info in a keyring file with a .KYR extension which cannot be read outside of Domino. So now I was at a loss. So once again I started googling info on this and came across this post. Kevin was exporting for use in Apache, but had come across the same problem that I just had.
He found a utility from IBM called iKeyman. This utility allows you to open a Domino .KYR file, and then export it to a PKCS12 (.P12) file. Once you do that, you can use another utility called OpenSSL to convert into whatever other formats you may need. For me, IIS was happy with just the .P12 file so we were able to use that and didn’t need to bother with OpenSSL.
So now, SSL is working on IIS and Domino. A huge thanks to Kevin for his blog post. I wanted to post as well to give a little more Google juice to SSL issues you may run into with Domino, SSL and wildcards.
IBM Champion Program
For many years we in the IBM Lotus community have thought that there should be a program that recognizes people in our community akin to the Microsoft MVP program. Well now there is. IBM recently announced the IBM Champion program. Here’s some more info:
The IBM Champion program recognizes exceptional contributors to the technical community — clients and partners who work alongside IBM to build solutions for a smarter planet. An IBM Champion is an individual who leads and mentors his or her peers and motivates them toward IBM solutions and services. Champions can be found running user groups, managing websites, speaking at conferences, answering questions in online forums, writing blogs, submitting wiki articles, sharing how-to videos, and writing technical books. The IBM Champion program recognizes and thanks these innovative thought leaders, amplifying their voice and increasing their sphere of influence in the technical community.
You can read more about it on the User Experience Community blog, or you can go directly to the site and nominate someone you believe deserves the honor. Please do, it will be nice to see some worthy community members get the recognition.
My Lotusphere 2011 Photo Album

Finally got around to developing all of my RAW files so I could post my Lotusphere 2011 photo album on flickr. If you’ve never seen any of my Lotusphere shots, you can see a collection of the last 8 years of Lotusphere pics here.
I shot with a new camera (the awesome Canon 7D) this year, and tried to adjust everything manually. I also only brought one lens, so I wasn’t AS happy with my photos this year as in year’s past, but I still think things turned out pretty well. You’ll find pictures intermixed that I took with my iPhone and posted via the app too. I’m loving the app, and I hope you like the little glimpses of my days throughout.
Lastly, you can find a ton of Lotusphere pics via the unofficial flickr group as well. Hope you had a great time, and hope I captured some good moments for you!
Lotusphere 2011 Blogger Photo

BloggersLS11-1, originally uploaded by Greyhawk68.
Here’s this year’s annual on-stage blogger photo. I have two more that you can also check out on flickr and figure out which one you like the best. Needed a lens hood as we got some flare from the lighting, and I didn’t have the camera set up quite right before I handed it off, but they still turned out okay and captured the moment. Enjoy. Many of these folks are like family to me. It’s a shame we only meet in person once or twice a year! Thanks to Tim Davis for taking the pics!
I take it back, Lotus IS Dead
Okay, okay I know. That was an attention seeking headline, but after the Lotus – Not Dead Yet post of a couple weeks ago, I figured I needed to eat some words a bit. That said, truth be told, ‘Lotus’ IS fading.
Not the software mind you, that’s as strong or stronger than it’s ever been, it’s the branding that seems to be changing. Lotusphere saw little mention of the word Lotus, and almost no glimpses of the Lotus logo anywhere. This was obviously by design. Ed Brill has a great post on it, as does Alan Lepofsky.
You see, Alistair Rennie spoke on stage about how this was going to be the most significant Lotusphere yet. We didn’t really see any new products, or radically new agendas, so what exactly did he mean? Well to me, I think it was the simply the shift of IBM’s full support of the Lotus portfolio and the value it brings for Social Business. Like Ed pointed out, you saw people on stage from IBM that had NEVER participated in the past, and to the public’s eyes at least, never threw it’s support behind the Lotus portfolio.
Now, all of IBM gets that Social Business is indeed the next wave, and I believe that IBM looked at that and said. ‘Hell, we HAVE the best social business portfolio with Lotus, let’s leverage that, and do it now!’ I really don’t think I’m off base here. I think IBM truly now believes in these tools, and the best way to sell these tools is to sell them as IBM-branded products.
As much as I LOVE Lotus, and always have, the word ‘Lotus‘ is sometimes met with disdain and words and phrases like ‘legacy’ or ‘outdated’ or my favorite ‘are people still using that?’ How about IBM? People KNOW IBM, they know Smarter Planet, and will know Watson soon. So even though I’ll miss the moniker of Lotus, I fully understand if we start seeing all the branding go to IBM. And quite frankly, I’m okay with it.
IBM Notes and Domino, IBM Connections, IBM Quickr, IBM Sametime. Looking at that actually looks right to me, and quite frankly strengthens the ability of the company to truly market the products going forward.
Last year I was really excited about Lotus Knows. But I’ll be equally excited by IBM Knows, or ‘Social Business for a Smarter Planet. IBM Notes.’ Now wouldn’t THAT be cool? So who knows if they’ll keep calling it Lotusphere, or it will become SocialSphere or SmarterPlanetWorld or whatever. The event will still be awesome by any name, and now we may finally see the kind of push from IBM we’ve always dreamed about. We’ll see if that comes to fruition, but I, for one, am really excited about the possibility.
So congratulations to Forbes and the Radicati group, looks like those decade-old headlines may now become ‘technically’ right. Too bad for those prognosticators that the software is stronger than ever, it just has a new name.
Lotus is dead. Long Live Lotus!
Customer and Vendor panels CAN be cool
With all of the complaining about the panel discussions at the Lotusphere Opening General Session, imagine my initial thoughts when some of my press and blogger events included customer and vendor panel discussions. It was kind of a ‘oh here we go again’ reaction when I entered a couple of these special events. I was thinking that we might get more of the same generalizations as were seen during the OGS.
I couldn’t have been more wrong.
The special events were so much better and more engaging than what we saw during the first 90 minutes of the OGS. In one, we got to meet vendors such as Silanis, Genus, Sogeti and Meetrix. They each talked about their products and how they worked with IBM products, and how they made businesses more social. It’s obvious that IBM was hammering home the Social Business theme, but we still got to hear real world examples and got to hear how it really worked with the products we use every day. No generalizations.
Next was a Social Business ROI panel with Jamie Page and Brian Larson from Slumberland Furniture, Kristina Verner from Windsor University and some folks from IBM Trinidad. I spoke personally for a bit with Brian from Slumberland before the panel started, and they were doing some really cool things.
Slumberland Furniture is a family owned business who has both company owned stores and franchise stores. They needed ways to share information between corporate and the stores, but they had a lot of ways they needed to secure that info. So they might have to do it by region, or whether a store is a franchise or corporate, what department a person is in (Sales vs. Warehouse) etc. Well years ago when they were evaluating platforms, they had read the book ‘The World Is Flat’ by Thomas L. Friedman and it lead them to think collaboration was the way to go. They started out with Portal and Notes and quickly added Sametime, then Quickr and recently added Connections. This was a family-owned business who was run much like the company I work for, and it was cool to see how they embraced the same technologies we did, and coped with the same issues we run into. One other cool thing they did that really fit the social business mantra, was that many stores had their own video production teams, and those teams were utilizing technology from Genus integrated with Lotus products to share productions and roll out commercials and such. It was a neat use of the technology.
Next to talk was Kristina. She came from Windsor University in Canada and spoke about how the university worked closely with IBM and the city of Windsor and Essex county to make the region greener, help alleviate asthma attacks in the region, and converting waste from road projects into housing. They were heavy users of Connections, Quickr and Sametime, and used these technologies to coordinate efforts. This helped the region become recognized as one of the Top 7 Most Intelligent Communities in the world by the Intelligent Community Forum. So to see such an accomplishment stem from Lotus products was re-assuring and good to see. You can check out their community portal here.
I think the main complaint from the OGS is that a lot of the talk of Social Business could have revolved around using any tools, not just Lotus. By comparison, these panels were hard core, real world examples of the software brands we love. IBM and Lotus products were being used, and used wonderfully. So panel discussions CAN be cool. Here’s looking forward to some more of these in the future!
Lotusphere 2011 Recap – Be Social. Do Business
Be Social. Do Business.
That was the mantra of Lotusphere 2011. Social Business was the big theme of this year’s Lotusphere. Everything revolved around the Social Interactivity of employees, customers, vendors and how it all impacts the world from a business standpoint. They talked about the major shifts in computing that caused huge disruptions in the ways people worked. Mainframes, Departmental Computing, PC’s, the Internet and now Social Networking. Lotus seems very poised to jump on this wave and ride it to the next level.
And Lotus SHOULD be poised, Lotus has always been about Social. Groupware, the term coined to explain software like Notes years ago, meant working in groups and collaborating and sharing. That’s not much different than the social networking of today. People just finally get it now, and it’s easier than ever to get people using these types of tools.
Alistaire Rennie stated that business today needed to be Engaged, Transparent, Nimble and Successful. Engage with your customers, be transparent about your company, even with it’s faults, and be quick to respond and take action when the social universe demands it. Do these things and it will make your company more successful. According to their statistics, companies that outperform their competition are 57% more likely to be heavily into social media use within their organization.
This year, there weren’t any HUGE announcements on the stage for the OGS. Sametime will get native clients on mobile devices like Android and iPhone, which is very cool. Shared Calendars will finally be a part of NotesNext. LotusLive Symphony is being released. It will give you online collaborative documents a la Google Docs. From all accounts, the Lotus online capabilities are better than Google’s at this point too. So the space should get interesting. And Activity Streams are coming to NotesNext and other products.
They didn’t show a TON on Activity Streams, but I think this will be one of the most important pieces being added to the IBM products. You’ll be able to tailor your streams of information to show you updates from internal social networks, external social networks, email, teamrooms and more. And based on business analytics being baked in, you’ll be able to cull down the stream to just the things that are really important to you. This has me the most excited because live in so many worlds that being able to get the right information in near real time will be a huge help for me.
Like I said, huge announcements were hard to find, but the thing I liked is that they are committed to more versions of all the core Lotus products. Notes, Quickr, Sametime and Connections are all slated to get new ‘Next’ versions, so to me it’s nice to have all of our main tools being worked on and updated without having to take the eye of the ball so to speak.
That said, for everyone I talked to here at Lotusphere, customers, vendors and reporters alike, they all pretty much hated the format of the Opening General Session. Too much time in customer panels, talking generically about social business instead of specifics of their Lotus Software usage. People at Lotusphere want demos in the opening session. They want fire and pizazz, not chit chat. I think that people would have been better if there was some big news released, but without that, all they had for excitement were the demos which were too short compared to the panel discussions.
As a blogger, I got to be part of some panel discussions later on in the week, and those were so much better. Real world use-cases with some fairly in-depth information of how companies were actually using the products to make their businesses perform better. I’ll write more on that in a later blog post.
For me, I’ve moved from developer and admin to Pointy Haired Boss in recent years, so I DID see some of the value in having business leaders get on stage and tell their stories, but they need to limit that a bit in the opening session. You have Keynotes all week long where that works a little better. The majority of the crowd are geeks. They want to see the tech, be wowed by the future, see Lotus be aggressive in marketing efforts, see new innovations. That’s what the opening session should be. Start out the week with excitement and a bang, and it will set the tone for the rest of the week much higher.
Overall the conference was as good technically as I’ve ever seen it. So many times there were two or three sessions at once that I really wanted to be a part of. Unfortunately there’s not enough time to hit them all, but the ones I made it too were such high quality this year. I have to commend the track managers for what they were able to accomplish.
This was my 14th Lotusphere, and like every year, it was like coming to a family reunion with family you actually like. IBM is really in a good position in the marketplace right now, which means I think that Lotusphere 2012 will be even better. Hope to see you there again next year!
Lotusphere 2011 Opening General Session Live Blog
Well that’s it, the OGS is done. Time for the rest of Lotusphere to begin! Stay tuned everyone.
Awards go to Trilog, Group, and ISW. Declan Lynch was a finalist for the Open Source award!!! WOO HOO.
No matter what products you use, you are moving towards Social Business.
LOL, Doug is saying that if you use a ‘legacy’ system for email like Exchange, you can still use it. Will integrate with Sharepoint, Exchange and Office.
Beta releases of the Customer Experience Suite coming later this year.
He is a great high-energy demo guy. Look forward to see him for years to come.
Just showed the activity stream on the iPad. Also very cool…
WOW, just showed dragging and dropping friends from a facebook page right onto a webpage he was creating. Nice.
In-line editing on the in the online files is very cool. Inline previews, easy drag-and-drop.
Brian Cheng back on stage. Great addition to the demo team!
Talking Sametime Unified Telephony. Only need a simple SIP trunk to connect future Sametime to your own phone systems.
Sametime Next being improved and ready later this year too. The mobile access is huge!
Sametime Next mobile support. So Sametime natively on mobile devices. Sametime has a critical role to play in our social business strategy – Kevin Cavanaugh
Suzanne showing sub-communities. Meeting room enabled with video too. New web-based video, embedded, NO CLIENT DOWNLOAD.
Project Concord became LotusLive Symphony with trials available this week and pubically available second half of 2011.
Connections Next: Integrate Social Mail. Will connect to Domino and Exchange. More Open Standards support too. Beta Release in second half of 2011
Doug talking about Social Everywhere and partners to connect Connections with third party products. Cognos and Rational Team Concert to name a few.
Idea Blogs being added to Connections 3. Hrm, kinda like IdeaJam built into Connections and made more social. IBM likes emulating good ideas. Connections 3 available now
Suzanne says ‘on premises’ correctly! YAY. There’s a reason we love her.
LotusLive Symphony announced. Online collaborative documents, going after Google Docs it seems. Nice.
Embedded experience is cool. Embedded previews and comments without having to leave and go to another app or window
Suzanne is now on stage. Showing the Activity Stream again. Shows your internal AND external social networks in the stream. Cool.
Spoke about Lotus Utility Server in the cloud. Notes apps on Lotus Live. Cool.
Kevin Cavanaugh came on stage. Showing Nokia phones like the E7 and announcing support for the new Nokia devices. Cool. Too bad no-one uses Nokia stateside really.
Domino Designer Next will be given ability to connect into the social API’s as well.
IBM Social Business Toolkit helps you pull information into Vulcan, for the activity stream.
Doug back on stage. Talking about elegant experience, contextual information, embedded experiences. BETA later this year of Notes/Domino Next.
Demo was far too short, but Notes Next and the activity stream looks cool. As does some of the mobile stuff
Announcing that better XPage mobile device support coming.
I think they will really stress mobile this year. It’s pretty obvious. Interesting, the activity stream is being shown live on Android too. Cool.
Ron is talking via video now to stress mobile. Doing Sametime native on Android. Very cool.
Shared Calendar is a new feature in Notes Next. Department Calendar might worried right now.
The demo guy is someone named Brian who is actually really good with good eneregy. Surprised not to see Ron Sebastian or Suzanne. Brian is good though.
Notes Next client being shown. An Activity Stream included now. Showing a file sidebar. Showing Hybrid setup with email on LotusLive on files locally so you can combine.
Talking about Vulcan and Northstar. Northstar is the Exceptional Web Experience. IBM Customer Experience Suite is out now. Hrm. Nice to know it’s available on prem as well as the cloud.
Doug Cox, VP of Dev is on stage now and talking about the Next products. Here come the demos.
Larry Bowden saying that the demos are coming got the largest applause of everything so far in the OGS. Heheh.
Check out twitter for the real response from real geeks on this. Not a lot of happy campers right now. 1 hour 27 minutes in. Still no demos, still no announcements, no product talk ups.
Talking about exceptional web experiences. But really. We get it, big customers LOVE Lotus. WE dont need to be fed Kool-Aid. We need demos, and product announcements, and fireworks. This is SO not that…
Now customers AFL, Blue Cross Blue Shield Massachusetts and RBC on stage with Larry Bowden. Back to the old white guys panel. Wheeeee…
Showing a video and putting chairs on stage again. More panel talk coming?? Eeek.
Hour and 17 in, and no demos or new announcements yet. Eeek. Will the students in the audience be turned off?
Outpermorming companies are 57% more likely to be utilizing Social technologies
Social Computing Guidelines by IBM were created way back in 2005. First major company to do so
For every 1% improvement in employee retention saves IBM $50 MILLION dollars… Wow.
Talking about HR usage to getting people more social. Starting by playing social games. Now talking about their W3 intranet. 3 of 4 IBM’s utilize it every day.
Sandy Carter, VP Worldwide Sales now on stage.
‘So Social means sharing the family jewels’ Jeff Schick… LOL
Customer Panels are nice, but it’s not like we get any good info really. It’s just nice to see people who have had success with the Lotus portfolio. It’s a good thing, just not particularly interesting.
They are all talking about how their business has gone social and how important it is. So yes, we get it, social is awesome. If anyone knows that, it’s Notes people!
Jeff Schick on stage with a panel of speakers from BASF, KBC, CSC and AT&T.; Some diversity finally. Not just all old white guys. Nice change
Blackberry Developer program. Top 25 apps on Playbook will be featured at Blackberry World in May. Very cool
Blackberry Bridge securely connects to Domino email and Connections natively. ‘Professional Grade, Consumer Friendly, this is Playbook’
The Playbook looks really cool. Talking about Flash websites, pushing the fact that Flash is embedded. Saying there will be lots of Lotus support
Co CEO of RIM Jim Balsillie on stage now (and he was Malcome Gladwell’s college roomate. Showing off the RIM Playbook right now.
Check out the book Outliers by Malcom Gladwell. WE are the outliers according to Mr. Rennie.
IBM turning 100 years old this year. No party, just want to build a smarter planet.
Dramatically going to increase the Depth of Lotus’ Capability. All of the ‘Next’ products will be talked about later. Notes Next, Connection Next, Quickr Next, etc.
Open Standards more important than ever!
Taking this to it’s full potention? Think of Outcomes, Define the Social Business Framework (which IBM provides) And Catalyze the Community!
New business model is Engaged, Transparent, Nimble and Successful
Alistare saying that this is the fifth major shift in computing. Mainframe, Departmental, PC’s, Internet, and now Social Business. ‘Social software is a continuation of a commitment that began on this stage’ – Alistare
‘This may be the most important Lotusphere EVER’ – Alistaire Rennie
‘It’s important to send the elevator back down’ Kevin Spacey talking about helping those below you and making them successful too!
Talking about
Keynote speaker: KEVIN SPACEY! One of my favorite actors of all time… awesome
Mass Ensemble was the opening band. Awesome.
Alright folks, I’ll be live blogging and putting the newest info at the top of the post, replicating every 2 to 5 minutes or so. Sitting in the Blogger’s Den as they are calling it this year. Couches, power and hard wired connections. We’re ready to rock.