March Madness!
Here are some of the search terms that hit my blog for the month of March!
- cannot release and renew ip address – Do you use Comcast perhaps?
- ipod makes noise when shaken – It’s not a martini, don’t shake the damn thing!
- what will happen to live communications server after groove – hopefully it will die a painful death and become part of Microsoft’s checkered Past.
- vicodin cocktail – Mmmmmmm, vicodin, I love thee.
- show me a picture of a blood clot – Only if you send me a picture of what you’re wearing!
- flickr-review – can be found here.
- fever and nausea – two great tastes that taste great together.
- matt and jess homepage – can be found here
- greyhawk excel calendar – Um, why do you want my calendar? And in Excel nonetheless?
- skiing for dummies – One page, Don’t fall down.
- hitting on your girl friend – As long as you’re not hitting on my wife…
- jack daniels cold remedy – The ONLY way to be sick! Screw off Ny-Quil.
- notes 8 workplace services – Um, Notes 7 isn’t even out yet dude!
- blog of inane things – HEY HEY, you found it!
- religious views of life-support – The religious right say that you MUST keep people alive, unless of course they are brown and live in the middle east…
- damn you light bulb that is the exact opposite of what i want you to do – I want some of what you’re smoking!
- crash greyhawk – Please don’t.
- is taping a song off the radio legal? – Absolutely.
- skiing with epilepsy – is not recommended…
- ray ozzie sucks – Don’t agree myself, but it is a funny search 🙂