Can anyone help with Tablet signature capture?
Hey everyone, We have a very pressing need to get a system that can use tablet computers to do the following:
- Swipe a card at a conference and collect the user’s data
- Allow them to sign the tablet with a stylus to capture their signature
This is for a petition to be signed at a trade show. This does NOT have to work with Domino ( I use the right tool for the right job even though Gary and Bob may not agree 🙂 )
Anyway we’re partially there with a usb card scanner connected to the tablet and feeding data into a portable Access database, but we’re just trying finish up the signature capture part using MS Ink.
The reason I’m throwing this out there is in case one of you already have a solution or know of a pre-packaged solution that will do this immediately. Oh, and we need it by next Monday morning 🙂 Nothing like a little pressure…
If anyone can help, please leave a comment with your contact info, or email me at greyhawk68 AT gmail DOT com. THANKS!
Rob McDonagh
February 2, 2006 @ 12:21 pm
Dude, did you call Scoble? He’s the big tablet guy, isn’t he? Sounds like this is purely a MS question, so why not hit him up and see if he’ll pitch in?
February 2, 2006 @ 5:58 pm
Scoble is out of the country right now, and I also think that helping a big Notes advocate do something on tablet might not be high on his list of priorities, but who knows. We’re close to a solution anyway, so hopefully all will be well