Recommending: Tyrone Wells

I haven’t recommended music here on the blog in a long time, but recently I started
listening to a singer-songwriter by the name of Tyrone Wells.
I heard him on a Pandora mix based on Jason Mraz a couple months ago, and thought I needed to look him up. Well I checked him out on Napster and became an instant fan. His most recent album, Metal & Wood, has been in constant rotation on the Sonos and in car for months.
Admittedly I’ve been on an adult-alternative singer-songwriter kick lately, so he just fell into that perfectly. That said, he’s able to encapsulate emotions in his songs so well, and many of his lyrics tend to fit my hippie sensibilities quite well. For example:
Take all the Metal and Wood
Used in the waging of war
And teach the men that make those weapons
To build shelter for the poor
Take all the money we spend
On the way that we appear
Find the ones that die of hunger
And help them see another year
He also has songs of happiness and hope, like is expressed on And The Birds Sing:
Poor man and a millionaire
Both under the oak tree’s shade
Not stressing over money made
Preacher and the Atheist
Both jumping in the ocean waves
Today they both feel saved
If you see some of his earlier work, you can tell he’s a religious guy, but I like the fact that he’s not judgemental and actually includes an Atheist in his song. 🙂
Lastly, he can really touch a nerve on love lost too. Songs like Let Go and Give Me One Reason are so packed with emotion that you can sometimes find yourself tearing up when he sings them.
Today, so many artists lack that emotion when they sing, but Tyrone Wells really draws you in, and that rare quality is to be rewarded. Pick this album up, you won’t be disappointed!
October 17, 2011 @ 8:06 pm
Thanks for the recommendation! I have just caught a few of his songs and he is great. Going to buy his CD as soon as I can find it!