Hello World… again
Hello all. If you are seeing this, then I actually did quite a bit correctly in my blog move. I decided to move to WordPress and host it through my own webhost. It was just time to move on from Blogsphere and investigate different technologies.
I do want to thank Declan and all the contributors over the years to Blogsphere. It facilitated my blogging addiction for nearly 8 years. That’s no small feat and I’ve always liked the software.
That said, I needed a change. Something to kickstart the blogging habit again, and I think this is it. I’ll be keeping the old blog up for awhile, but all of the posts and comments are now here too. I plan on setting up some re-directs so the google juice on my posts will follow me here at blog.roling.com.
Right now, the site is very raw. I need to settle on a theme and get all the info in place that I want to utilize. So over the next couple months you’ll hopefully see some nice re-designs on the site. If you are a reader via RSS, nothing much will change on your end 🙂
Thanks for sticking with me so long folks. I plan on being around (now on WordPress) for a long time to come.
August 10, 2011 @ 7:49 pm
See, this is where that whole feedBurner exercise you did really comes in handy. I never did that, so I don’t think I have great options for migrating. Who’s your ISP again, btw? I forgot the name you mentioned at IAmLUG…
August 10, 2011 @ 8:06 pm
Pair.com is who I use. They work great and there is a $3.95 a month add in that lets you set up things like this with minimal effort. You can either dig in directly, or you can click a link and *poof* WordPress is set up. Cool stuff!
August 10, 2011 @ 8:16 pm
Yeah, you’ll have to do redirects of your RSS feed I think. Feedburner was easy by comparison…
August 10, 2011 @ 8:50 pm
Cool! Is there a blog post coming about how you got your posts in here?
August 10, 2011 @ 9:52 pm
Yes sir, I will. Â I basically used what Mitch posted awhile back about his migration, using some code from Matt White…
Happy Thanksgiving and Welcome Back to the Pridelands! | The Pridelands
November 24, 2011 @ 6:02 pm
[…] welcome back to the revamped version of The Pridelands! As you can see, like a few other people around (special thanks to Mitch Cohen and Matt White for many of the tools and […]