IE8 and Lotus Notes 8.5 do not play nice
Okay, I’m sure this is old hat to some, but we just happened upon it, so I thought I’d share.
We recently had a power user here who upgraded his Internet Explorer to version 8. Once he did that, any email he opened in Lotus Notes 8.5 with HTML embedded would take 30-45 seconds to open before it would render. We looked around and found a lot of people having the same issue, and most of them were fixed simply be reverting the browser back to IE7. Well our user’s computer would not uninstall IE8 for some reason, so he was stuck with it. So, there are two ways to use the Notes browser rather than the OS default. The first is a notes.ini parameter:
The second is in Basic Notes Client Config under the Additional Options at the bottom:
Disable embedded browser for MIME mail
That option actually places that .ini setting into the notes.ini so you can accomplish it either way. I don’t like the wording in the Additional Options though. Disable embedded browser to me means that it is disabling the browser embedded in Notes, not the OS browser. Anyway, you can read all about it in the IBM Technote.
April 27, 2009 @ 5:08 pm
When we first experienced this issue number of weeks ago, I put a posting into the Notes Domino 8.5 forum looking for something official from Lotus…I assume they are aware, are testing, and can provide some advice. Haven’t seen anything yet. That technote doesn’t explicitely mention IE8, so wonder what’s the reason for the silence. Its not like IE8 was developed in a corner.
April 27, 2009 @ 6:01 pm
I recently spent about 4 hours with support on this one…second call back, the rep had me do this straight away…
{ Link }
{ Link }
April 27, 2009 @ 6:30 pm
John, we found tested this solution in our environment a couple weeks ago and I posted a blog here { Link } late last week. We found that the three notes.ini settings listed in the post in combination addressed a number of issues. IE8 is certainly going to cause a number of support issues for us all!
April 28, 2009 @ 4:08 am
I’ve been told by IBM support IE8 isn’t supported yet. See { Link }
Support probably coming with 8.5.2
April 28, 2009 @ 7:42 am
Thanks for all the info folks. I still don’t really like the “embedded” terminology, as I think it’s confusing overall, but it’s nice to know now. And since it’s an ini setting, it can be pushed via policy which is nice.
I appreciate the info!