Cancer Claims Another – RIP Laur
I’m getting fucking tired of writing about Cancer. My good friend Amy’s little sister, Lauren, died yesterday after a bout of colon cancer.
Laur was 30.
Yes, Laur was only 30 years young. A couple years ago she started getting sick, and they found out she had colon cancer. She fought it tooth and nail over the last couple of years. The family did everything they could, including experimental medical trials. In the end it just wasn’t enough. Oh and get this: Amy’s other sister is an oncologist. So her other sister chooses Oncology after her residency and then Laur gets sick. Let me be the first to say, fuck you irony.
The good thing is that Lauren and the family knew what was going on at all times because they had a doctor in the family. That definitely had to bring some comfort. Also, they knew that they really did all they could. If there was anything else they could have done, they would have. So I hope that brings them some peace, it really should.
I’d known Laur since my early college days. You see, Amy was my college roommate in my third year of college. I met her family then, including Lauren, and she may have only been in eighth grade. I saw her several other times. On visits to Amy and her family in Kansas City, at our college graduation, my wedding, when she visited us here in Chicago. In person, I may have been in the same area as Laur a dozen times, but she left an impact.
Everyone says nice things about people after they’re dead, whether they were deserving or not, but I’m here to tell you that Lauren truly was the real deal. You would not meet a nicer, more smiley, more goofy person in your life. She was always that person that brought everyone else’s spirit up. We also shared a bond over the love of Weird Al Yankovic. He was one of her favorite artists and it was completely fitting. So tonight I’m going to listen to some Weird Al in her honor. Join me if you can.
My deepest condolences go out to her parents, Amy and her sister, and all of the people who loved Laur. I am so sorry for your loss.
Cancer hasn’t been kind to people I know, and people I care about. It is, and always has been a brutal disease without conscious. Isn’t it time we kick it’s ass? If you’ve ever been touched by cancer, please donate to cancer research when and if you can. Nothing will make me happier than to see this disease eradicated in our lifetime.
April 23, 2009 @ 5:15 pm
Please accept my condolencees. I know how you feel. I lost my niece a few years ago and she was bright and full of life, but fought cancer starting from two years old.
April 23, 2009 @ 8:39 pm
Peace to you and your family. It is so difficult to lose a loved one, at any age. Being 30, makes it all the harder.
Your tribute to Laur should provide strength in honoring a good person. With your family close, you should be able to heal through their fellowship.
In growing-up with Weird Al, I’ve enjoyed many of his parodies. Very talented. My elders knew his father, the polka king. His newer ones were less familiar to me. Glad to get caught-up with some more of his gems, and re-live my high school days through his music.
I wish you and your family well.
April 24, 2009 @ 3:09 am
I am so sorry to hear about your loss John. Having recently lost my wife to ovarian cancer, I totally understand your feelings about Laura, and I share your pain and sense of loss. Cancer is the most f**king horrible and indiscriminate of diseases, and it’s about time we eradicated it from all existence.
April 28, 2009 @ 7:47 am
Thanks for everyone who responded here on Twitter and Facebook. It was a nice outpouring of support. Laur’s family enjoyed the fact that I got everyone listening to Weird Al. So thanks for that too.
Laur also had a habit of drunk dialing friends for fun, so the whole family got drunk after her funeral and drunk dialed people in her honor.
She will definitely be missed.