The Comcast Resolution
If you read my last post, you realized I wasn’t overly happy with Comcast. Missed appointments, no callbacks when promised, failed phones transfers, lengthy wait times, etc. Well I also mentioned Frank who was @comcastcares on Twitter. Well he passed my info on to higher ups in Chicago, and I did manage to get a callback from the Executive office at about 4:30PM that day.
The rep asked if things were fixed to satisfaction. I wasn’t sure yet because no one was home, but calling my home number went to voicemail instead of forwarding to my wife’s phone, so I thought we were back in business (we were.) He also offered me something for my troubles, and it was something I had referenced in my blog post. I’m still not thrilled with the whole situation up to that point, but I think they nicely tried to make up for it after the fact. In addition, they actually READ my blog post on the situation.
So I will give the Comcast Twitter team their due, they deserve it. I’m actually very impressed that they monitor Twitter and try to take appropriate action. They are actually forward thinking in that regard, so that’s nice. Thanks Frank and the @comcastcares team.
Comcast still has a ton of issues and I still dread outages, but maybe they are on the right path. For both of our sakes, here’s hoping so.