I killed my best friend today

Sorry for the provocative headline, but it’s how I feel. I had to put my dog Shadow to sleep today after 14 wonderful years of having him as a companion. If you remember, we had to do the same with his son Fridge back in October. These things are never easy, but this was harder for me.
Back in the summer of 1994, my wife and I had gone to a pet store. As we went by one of the cages, a little puppy (who HAD been quiet) pawed at the window and barked at me. When I looked in his window, he wiggled and barked and jumped around. I fell in love. This little fuzz ball picked me, he wanted me to be his owner. Unfortunately at the time, my wife and I didn’t have much money. We had just gotten out of college and couldn’t really afford a purebred dog. I reluctantly put him back in his cage and we left the dejected pooch behind.
I had to go to a training session out of town for a few days, and when I got back I stopped by my in-laws to pick up my wife. When I did I heard a little bark, and Shadow came bounding towards me. My wife and mother-in-law worked it out so Shadow could have me as his pet. And make no mistake, he was my dog, and I was his. I’ve never had a better animal as a pet. Shadow was smart, stubborn and had attitude (sound familiar?) and loved me and our family with all of his heart. It was completely reciprocated.
Shadow had really been a part of my entire adult life. He was with me from when I sold stereo equipment, to selling RV’s, to Banking, to the decade-plus Lotus career. He comforted me when I got laid off and spent three months smoking cigars on the deck with him at my side. He stood vigilant next to the bassinets when both girls were born. He slept on or next to my bed his entire life. He was always with us in whatever room we were in, because he didn’t want to be anywhere else. He licked tears from my face when I was sad, and danced around the room with me when I was happy. He truly was the best friend a dog could be.
Tonight I carried him into the doctor’s office and put him on the table. I removed his collar and got down and looked him in the eyes. I petted him and reassured him that soon he wouldn’t be in any pain. Tears streamed down my face and I kissed him when the needle went in. He looked at me and seemed a little scared, but then got calm, and laid down on his side and stopped breathing. He never closed his eyes.
I have no clue why I feel the need to write this all down. Maybe it’s just Greiving 2.0, I dunno. I know there are real problems in the world, and having to put down a 14 year-old dog who’s lived a full life isn’t a big one. But I feel like a part of me is gone. I haven’t cried like this in a very long time. Just writing it down, and knowing his memory is saved is making me feel better.
I was tweeting about this all day on Twitter, and I want to thank everyone for their kind words, tweets and emails. It means the world to me.
The picture at the beginning of this post is my favorite of Shadow. By accident I got a halo over his head. He always had this “Who me?” look, and that epitomized it. Seemed like an apropos picture today. And if you want to see what he looked like as a pup (and how young my wife and I looked) check out this picture of Shadow and Keesha on our laps. Shadow is the pup. He grew up to be a wonderful dog. Thanks for everything buddy. I love you.
March 7, 2008 @ 11:42 pm
I’m very sorry to hear about your loss, John. My thoughts are with you.
March 8, 2008 @ 3:47 am
I have two best friends, and as an adult have only ever had two. They are both still with me.
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I know that one day, and too soon, I will find myself in your position and the thought just kills me.
I feel for you.
March 8, 2008 @ 5:43 am
It’s horrible losing your best friend that way. My thoughts are with you John.
March 8, 2008 @ 7:37 am
I went through this with my Black Lab that I had for 13 years back in 2001 and thinking about that day is still difficult to this day. I am sorry for your loss. – Curt
March 8, 2008 @ 7:42 am
I know this has been weighing on you for a while. It’s never easy to lose a friend, but she isn’t suffering anymore. Take comfort in that my friend.
March 8, 2008 @ 9:42 am
So very sorry for your loss…
March 8, 2008 @ 10:02 am
Sorry man, I know it sucks.
March 8, 2008 @ 4:14 pm
The tears are streaming down my face.. I can hardly dype my email. I am so very sorry. Petts are a very improtant part of our lives. My heart goes out to you.
March 8, 2008 @ 8:37 pm
Hello everyone. I wanted to take this time to let you know how much your comments have helped. I really appreciate them all, and it’s made it easier.
It’s still rough when Peanut runs into the house or a room and Shadow doesn’t follow her, but I’ll get used to it eventually.
When I went to grab the food bowls it was a little rough too. Had to put one of them away. Most of those things will sort themselves out shortly I imagine.
Chris, your dogs are beautiful. Thanks for sharing. And MaryBeth, thanks. Didn’t mean to make ya sad. I just want Everyone to hug your fuzzy folks today for me. Hell, hug everyone you love. Life’s too short.
Thanks again all…
March 9, 2008 @ 10:08 am
OH!! I just read this. I’m SO sorry for your loss. It’s so hard, because pets aren’t really pets – they are family members and sooner or later it has to come. I’m so thankful your girls are old enough that they’ll remember him, and now he’ll be able to achieve “legend” status – I still love hearing stories about my father’s dog when he was a kid.
I’ll hug Reboot a bit tighter today.
March 9, 2008 @ 1:09 pm
Beautiful looking dog. We have a finish spitz named Jack (who’s 7) that we’ve had for 4 years now and just got a baby Pomeranian (Leo). I hope to have as many wonderful years with them as you had with Shadow. Not looking forward to the day when we have to deal with their passing.
March 10, 2008 @ 3:21 am
It’s always a sad story, you know when you get your dog, and you know you’ve to bury it. I know, buried already 6 myself
Got two left, I’ve to stop having dogs…
My thoughts are with you.
March 10, 2008 @ 8:12 am
John, our sincere condolences from everyone in our family.
March 10, 2008 @ 10:02 am
dude. we just went through something very similar. we had to put our cat, Cain, down a few weeks ago. i buried him in the back yard. man, that whole thing was hard. now his “sister”, who was with him for the last 15 years, is on her way to go and see Cain. she’s still with us, but not for long.
i’m feeling you man. so sorry you had to go through that. we often feel Cain around the house. i think in some way he is still with us. my guess, Shadow is right there next to you. doesn’t sound like he’d have gone far.
March 10, 2008 @ 11:15 am
Just read this. Man, that’s rough and we who love our pets can relate. They bring such unconditional joy and love.
At church yesterday, the pastor’s sermon was about death and how god grieves too and restores life. The story came from Jesus’s pain and bringing Lazareth to life. It was a moving sermon how death is tragic and god often restores. He spoke on a loss of a job or divorce sometimes results in a better opportunity or new found love. Maybe after your grief, you’ll find a new puppy who brings you joy too. Still, it really sucks and hurts to lose a good buddy. My condolences.
March 10, 2008 @ 3:15 pm
I don’t know if you remember my tuxedo cat Romeo from when we lived in Kirksville, but I had to put him to sleep right after Thanksgiving. We’d been together since before I started dating Andrew, and he’d been my constant companion and dear friend. It was so hard to have to say goodbye. I’m sorry for your loss. I know you will miss him terribly, but he had a wonderful life with you and brought so much to your family.
March 10, 2008 @ 4:51 pm
Sorry to hear about Cain John. His sister too. She’s not Abel is she?
And Erin, of course I remember Romeo. I remember when you got him and how sweet he was. I’ll admit, before Romeo I wasn’t a real big cat fan, but he swayed me.
Sorry to hear he’s gone… Man he must’ve been close to 17-18 years old right?
Well Tonight’s the first night to return home from work and not have Shadow at the top of the stairs. Need to get all these firsts outta the way…
March 12, 2008 @ 8:35 pm
Sorry John.
I liked Shadow quite a bit myself.
Gonna’ miss him when I get back there.
March 26, 2008 @ 2:51 pm
John…very moving, touching, and sad story. Please let me extend my condolences .
A new book out entitled, Rescuing Sprite, by Mark Levin is a book that might give some support. Very well written and goes through what you went through here. It’s an excellent read–got a copy for Mom.