I’m now tweeting up a storm
Sorry for the silence for the last couple of weeks. I’ve had a lot of stuff going on getting ready for Lotusphere and the holidays. Some really cool stuff that I should be able to talk about soon.
In the meantime, I’ve also finally signed up for Twitter. I always thought that the microblogging of every little thing you do is kinda unnecessary, but the more I’ve played with Twitter, the more I’ve liked it. It’s nice to see quick updates from friends (and people in the industry.) Some things just aren’t full blog post worthy, so being able to read and post those type of things is really cool. In fact, Twitter played an important role in me getting a new toy for Christmas. In that sense, it’s already been worth the price of admission!
I’ll post a Twitter badge here soon, but if you want to follow me, you can do so here. Also, if you are Twittering too, let me know in the comments. Maybe I’ll start stalking following you too.
December 19, 2007 @ 2:15 pm
This is one of the many reasons I started the Lotusphere channel. I think it could really take communication to a new level at Lotusphere for everyone to get news and be in touch.
December 20, 2007 @ 2:03 am
Stalk away! { Link }
December 20, 2007 @ 10:57 am
Actually Chris, it’s your setup for Lotusphere that finally pushed me over the edge to get Twitter, so thanks!
And the StuStalking has begun… heh