Newsgator adds Notes and Sametime plug-ins!
Just saw a press-release stating that Newsgator has added Notes and Sametime RSS reader plug-ins! The only downside is that it’s for their enterprise RSS server product only. I do hope they will consider selling them as standalone tools at some point.
For those of you that don’t know, Newsgator is the owner of both NetNewsWire and FeedDemon, pretty much the best feed readers available on the market for the Mac and PC platforms. I use FeedDemon and pretty much couldn’t live without it. They also have an online browser-based feed reader that synchronizes with the two standalone apps and even a Blackberry RSS reader.
Needless to say, I love their products, and I applaud them for adding the Lotus Notes and Sametime integration. Now sell that separately without the need for an enterprise server, Pretty Please!
March 28, 2007 @ 12:06 pm
I am also a FeedDemon fan, though i have not got my head around the online synchronisation. I tried it, and it caused me problems trying to delete a load of feeds. I might need to try again!
It would be great to see this as a standalond plugin, as from the little I have seen so far, the reader in the LN8 client is pretty sparse feature wise.
March 28, 2007 @ 4:07 pm
Hi Simon. The best way to get synchronization working correctly is to export all of your feeds into an OPML file. Then delete them ALL from feed demon. Then import them into NewsGator Online and sync back.
Initially thats what I had to do way back when I initially set it up. Once you do that, you should be good.
Yeah, I can’t imagine using RSS without FeedDemon at this point. Going from it to the Notes 8 Beta was horrible. The Notes RSS reader will probably be used for internal feeds on applications whereas all the rest of my reading will continue through FeedDemon.
March 29, 2007 @ 8:02 am
Thanks for the tips, I didn’t think of giving that a go, but I might have to try!