I've seen America's future… and we're screwed
I’m frightened for the future of our country after what I saw yesterday. I’m frightened simply because of a trip to a combination Taco Bell/Kentucky Fried Chicken. Besides the abomination that is created by combining those two franchises under a single roof, the ineptitude of the employees was sad even by today’s vastly lowered standards.
I went inside to order food for my family. I went inside simply because I don’t trust their drive-thru to get the order right based on past experience. I figured that if I actually engaged a real person, I would have a higher likelihood of success. Wow, was I wrong.
You see, the teenage gentleman that attempted to take my order couldn’t find a single key on the register for the food I was ordering. EVERY SINGLE ITEM (and I am NOT exaggerating) I requested he would hunt and peck for, then when he couldn’t find it, he would look at the menu to make sure I wasn’t making something up, and then he would ask a co-worker for help. It’s not like I was ordering weird food. I was ordering burritos, and nachos and quesadillas. Kinda the mainstay of crappy Taco Bell food if you will. Anyway, after this excruciating time, with other employees helping him all the way, he finally finished my order and got it right. I paid, and then moved down the counter to wait for my food.
Another kid (one of the ones helping the dolt at the register) was packing up my food. He was waiting for some final items when the counter-moron asked him for help again. So he went and tried to help him. Finally HE got so pissed that he told the kid to go do something in the back, and took over the register. The girls he was ringing up asked if this was the kid’s first day, to which the guy replied. “No, he’s been here for two months.”
TWO MONTHS?!?!? He was there for two months and couldn’t even work the register? Gahhhhh. So I hear this and really can’t believe it, but I wait patiently for my food. The dolt returns to the register, and the guy that took over told him to deliver my food. The kid goes right to the counter and brings me the bag. He didn’t add anything TO it, so I didn’t really believe my order was finished. I kinda laughed in disbelief and asked if it was all there. He looked at my receipt and rifled through the bag, moving contents all over the place, looking back and forth at the receipt. He smiled and said yes. I took my food and left.
Now I didn’t believe for one second that the order was right, so when I got to my car, I checked it out for myself and found that I was short two items. Now the receipt CLEARLY states at the bottom, in giant bold letters, 10 ITEMS. So if nothing else, you can do a cursory check and make sure the number of items in the bag equals 10. I had eight, and the idiot handed me my food anyway AFTER checking it to say it was right. I went back inside, got my two items and drove home.
I worked fast food, and I know that it was a thankless job, but I was good at it. Good enough to manage a store while still in high school. I would have fired someone so idiotic after two days of that crap. I took pride in my work, and most of my co-workers did too actually. I cannot believe that teenagers are like this. I’ve officially turned into the grumpy old man… “Back in my day…”
If this is what teenagers are nowadays, or country is completely doomed. This is one reason I’m raising good kids, to balance out the idiots. If you are readers of this blog, you are probably good, smart people. PLEASE procreate so we can save our country. That’s right, I’m asking you to go have sex and have kids. Just tell your spouse that Grey told you to.
March 7, 2007 @ 8:40 am
Here’s the piece of the puzzle that you seem to be missing. The caliber of kids willing to work at a fast food joint like KFC isn’t the same as it was when you and I were growing up. Except for our 2 local deli establishments, I don’t know of a single teenager working behind the counter that I wouldn’t consider a life long employee. I worked at a deli for almost 5 years in high school and college and never worked with anyone of the level of today’s fry cooks. In fact, the remark I always make to my wife when I discover a competent person taking my order is either ‘he/she won’t be here long’ or ‘i wonder how long til he/she is manager’. These days, I am just happy if I can understand the person I am ordering from and he/she can understand me.
March 7, 2007 @ 8:47 am
Don’t get me started on fast food joints. It seems that around here they keep getting worse and worser!
My dad stopped by Wendy’s Saturday to bring us some lunch (mainly to bring lunch to his granddaughter, but since we were there too!). I tell him to make sure that he gets her a nuggets meal w/ oranges instead of fries and with ranch. They always forget the ranch…
So he brings it in and I’m getting it out. All the adult orders seem fine and I open the kid’s meal. Wow – there was ranch! And oranges too! Then I asked my dad – “did you get out her nuggets already?” How can they forget the “entree” for a kid’s meal?!? I really don’t get how the service can be so poor…
March 7, 2007 @ 8:48 am
Oh, by the way, my wife’s due with our 2nd child in just a couple of weeks, so we’re working on your last paragraph!
March 7, 2007 @ 10:49 am
How about watching them trying to make change??? How hard ids ti to figure out the when you use a $10 to pay for a $9.89 order uou get 11 cents back. The register even tells them so. I counted no less than 5 times the kid had to look at the screen to make sure he was giving me the correct change? I am with you, My kids are at the top of there classes
March 7, 2007 @ 11:50 am
I think that’s why Wendy’s put in that change cup — the register spits out the change because the idiot pushing the buttons will screw it up. Some bean counter figured out they lose X amount of money a year to change mistakes so they fixed it.
Personally, I love driving past the places and seeing the signs out front with blatant spelling errors.
Like this one:
{ Link }
March 7, 2007 @ 1:28 pm
You’re not going to believe this, but when I went to McDonald’s as a kid, the guy behind the counter wrote down the price of each item on the side of the bag, then, added it up by hand and put the total at the bottom. The pricing was easier, tending to end in zeroes instead of nines, but still, could you imagine if they had that system in place today?
March 7, 2007 @ 3:19 pm
Your guy wasn’t necessarily stupid. There’s a much higher chance he was simply stoned. I’ll leave it to the reader to decide if that’s an improvement.
It’s worth remembering, though, that labor pool competition has probably pushed a lot of the more achieving kids out of jobs as basic as fast food. There are just so many more options for high-schoolers & recent graduates now, particularly if they know their way around a computer. Why work at McDonalds when you can get a job tweaking HTML code at $10/hour?
On the bright side, an increase in the minimum wage means a lot of these people will probably get replaced by some capital good — possibly something like the “self-checkout” registers they have at the supermarket now. Assuming, of course, that you’re okay with a lot of people losing their jobs.
By the way, if you REALLY want to get depressed about this stuff, check out Mike Judge’s movie “Idiocracy.” Depressingly hilarious.
March 7, 2007 @ 6:39 pm
I don’t know if he was stoned or just stupid, but I do think Nathan has a point. When I was a teenager, the best jobs available involved either fast food or retail. So, yeah, I did my time behind the counter of McDonalds. If I was in high school now, I’m sure I’d get a job working with computers.
This is not to say that we didn’t have our share of morons working at Mickey D’s, by the way. Just that the moron density quotient was a tiny bit lower…
The epidemic of horrible service isn’t limited to fast food, by the way. I almost blogged a local restaurant review last month because the service was so awful I thought they deserved to have a massive slam show up early in search results. And this was a place where dinner for two (without dessert) went into 3 figures.
By the way, Grey, your comment preview is broken (at least, on Firefox/Mac).
March 7, 2007 @ 7:59 pm
LOL! Scary but oh so true. I’m trying very hard to stay away from fast food joints just for that reason.
As a friend of mine is fond of saying…So many to clean from the pool, so little chlorine.
March 7, 2007 @ 10:02 pm
The McD’s closest to my house tends to hire a lot of “special needs” employees. They are sometimes slowed down a bit by physical disabilities, but for the most part they are friendlier, more attentive to their work, and generally more competent than the employees at the other local fast food outlets.
March 8, 2007 @ 7:55 am
My favorite employee at the local McD is a “special needs” person. Nothing makes me happier than to hear her voice come across the speaker when I am going to place my order. She always gets my order correct and always does so with a smile.
March 8, 2007 @ 8:05 am
You’re right, Rich. That’s a corporate focus for McDonalds. And it might be the best thing the company does. Somebody had a brainstorm at some point. It’s a win-win-win situation. The special needs kids get a job, McD’s gets a person who works their butt off (maybe because they don’t have the sense of entitlement other kids have and they’re glad to have a decent job?), and us customers get to deal with somebody who gives a damn.
March 8, 2007 @ 5:08 pm
That’s weird Rob, this comment is being written in Firefox on a Mac right now, and comment preview is working fine… maybe a script conflict on your end? Dunno.
Anyway, I actually prefer some of the special needs folks sometimes too. This guy wasn’t in that boat, he was just a moron. A moron who couldn’t even count to ten items correctly.
It’s sad that this is how youth is nowadays. Maybe it is just the bottom of the barrel and all the good ones are designing websites… I can only hope!