I'm in Chicago, and I hate the Bears
Lately, whenever I’ve told people I live in Chicago, people go “Congrats on the Bears being in the Super Bowl” which causes me to suppress a gag reflex. You see, even though I live here, I’ve always hated the Bears.
I don’t hate Chicago. In fact I truly believe that this is the best city in the United States. For people, and food, and culture, and yes, even sports, Chicago rocks. I love it here, and I can’t imagine living anywhere else at this point.
That being said, I still hate the Bears. It stems from growing up in rural Iowa, outside of Dubuque to be exact. Dubuque, Iowa is about four hours away from Chicago. This caused the vast majority of people in Dubuque to be Bears fans. To a lesser extent, some Packers and Viking fans, but for the most part, if you watched football in that geographical area, you were a Bears fan.
I, of course, was NOT a Bears fan. I had been a Dolphin fan since I was a zygote. My uncle lived in Miami and knew people in the Dolphins organization. My Dad was a fan, and so was I. So growing up, I was not part of the sheep that followed the Bears, I was a proud Dolphin fan.
The Dolphins were perennial playoff contenders in my youth, and even made the Super Bowl in the early 80’s. They lost, and whenever they did, I got tons of flack from the Bears fans. I got shit for being a Dolphins fan all the while I was growing up, and it all came from Bears fans. Then came the 85 season. The Bears were unstoppable, until they played the Dolphins of course. The Dolphins beat them that year, ruining their chance at a perfect season. That caused Bears fans to pretty much hate me all the more.
Then when the Bears won the Super Bowl, those fans became unbearable (pardon the pun.) They were so damn full of themselves. And the fact that the Super Bowl Shuffle was out there didn’t help. Maybe it was because I was a teen, and kids tend to be mean, but every Bear fan I met growing up was neither gracious nor humble. They all acted like they were above other football fans, and they hated my Dolphins. I always proudly cheered for my team, and wore my Dolphin gear, and I constantly got flack for it.
So, it really drove me to hate the Bears. It’s deep-rooted in my childhood, and not something I’ll easily shake. Now I don’t hate ALL Chicago teams, I like the White Sox and the Bulls. In fact, I started liking the Bulls when they got B.J. Armstrong (a former guard for the Iowa Hawkeyes.) I didn’t even know who Michael Jordan was at the time. I do hate the Cubs, because their fans were just as annoying in my youth and I must’ve heard “next year” a zillion times. So I get a little warm feeling every time the Cubs fail as well. The playoff meltdown a couple of years ago was awesome to behold.
Anyway, back to the Bears. Now that they are in the Super Bowl, everyone here in Chicago is all high and mighty about them again. Once again, my Dolphins ruined their perfect season, so Bears fans hate my Dolphins as much as usual. I STILL get flack from the Bears fans for being a Dolphins fan, so to think that just because the Bears are in the Super Bowl that I’ll cheer from them because I’m from Chicago is ludicrous. I am so cheering for the Colts that it isn’t even funny.
The Colts also have classy guys. Peyton Manning, Marvin Harrison, Joseph Addai. The Bears have felons. Tank Johnson? Daniel Manning? And how about that wonderful quarterback, Rex Grossman… god, Griese should be your starter, and deep down every single Bears fan knows it. But according to you all, the Bears are going to crush Indy. We’ll see.
So don’t call me a traitor for cheering against Chicago. You can be a traitor if you were never on the team to begin with. I love Chicago, but will always hate the Bears.
I’m wearing my Indy Blue right now. And all I can say is:
EDIT: To emphasize my point, I’m writing this on the train, and the train conductors were talking and were just appalled, appalled I tell you, that someone had the audacity to wear a Colts sweatshirt today. Pretty much encapsulates it for me!
February 2, 2007 @ 8:25 am
Maybe you should wear a Steelers shirt on the train next week
February 2, 2007 @ 9:00 am
Tank Johnson isn’t a felon, yet… Just a series of misdemeanors — and a large case of bad decisions.
February 2, 2007 @ 9:23 am
Two boys are playing hockey on a pond in a Chicago Park when a crazed Rottweiler suddenly attacks one of the boys. Thinking quickly, the other boy takes his hockey stick, shoves it under the dog’s collar, twists it and breaks the dog’s neck, saving his friend.
A reporter is standing by, sees the incident, and rushes over to interview the boy. “Young Cub Fan Saves Friend From Vicious Animal,” he starts writing in his notebook. “But I’m not a Cubs fan,” the little boy replies.
“Sorry, but since we’re in Chicago, I just assumed you were,” says the reporter and starts writing again. “Sox Fan Rescues Friend From Horrific Attack,” he writes in his notebook.
“But I’m not a Sox fan either,” the little boy replies. “Sorry, but since we’re in Chicago, I just assumed you were,” says the reporter and starts writing again. “Bears Fan Rescues Friend From Horrific Attack,” he writes in his notebook.
“I’m not a Bears fan either,” says the boy. “Oh… I assumed everyone in Chicago was either for the Cubs, Sox or Bears. What team do you root for?” The reporter asked.
“I’m a Colts Fan,” the boy replies. The reporter starts a new sheet in his notebook and writes:
“Little Bastard From Indiana Kills Beloved Family Pet”
February 2, 2007 @ 9:29 am
I love the story John!!!
Oh, and since it’s misdemeanors, it’s all good… heh.
Oh and Dec, I still need to find a Steelers jersey to pay up on my bet. I will, someday
February 2, 2007 @ 9:56 am
You’ll get a kick out of this one, then. I was waiting for Tim outside his room at preschool yesterday, and the pastor was asking who all are Bears fans. Several said yes, and they lined up first (they do normally do arbitrary things — who’s wearing blue, who has jeans today, etc.). Then he says “Who all are Colts fans?”
One lone voice: “ME!”
Guess who? Yeah, Tim.
Only reason I can figure is he watched the Indy-Pats game with me and helped me root for the Colts.
In defense of the Bears, though, I think the fans of any team can be dicks. Especially when their team is doing well. A friend of mine moved from New York to Colorado and thinks Denver fans are complete pricks, too.
February 2, 2007 @ 12:38 pm
You are wearing Colts colors and Les hasn’t fired you yet?
February 2, 2007 @ 12:52 pm
I’m in a similar boat…grew up in the dc metro area and everyone is mostly Redskins or Ravens(Colts when i was younger) fans. However, my dad is from Chicago so i grew up as a Bears fan. I hate redskins fans as its always ‘next year’ or ‘next week’. And the ravens fans have the audacity to tell me their defense is better than the bears…
Anyway…. GO BEARS!!!!
February 2, 2007 @ 1:43 pm
@Mike: That’s because all Denver fans ARE complete pricks!
Pats fans on the other hand, are Princes among Men. *snicker*
And, yes, Grey, I’m still trying to decide who to root for. It’s tough to root for the team that beat us (and well done to them, no doubt)…
February 2, 2007 @ 2:11 pm
C’mon Rob, join me on the dark side. You know Peyton and Marvin deserve a ring, so does Dungy.
I dont want Peyton to leave the NFL without a ring like Marino did. And for Grossman to get a ring and Manning not to would be a travesty…
Now, even despite the losses we have taken to the pats, I don’t HATE them. You “princes” are generally more civil. Now those fucking Jets fans on the other hand… gah.
Anyway, either way it’ll be a good game, but I’ll be really happy with a Colts win.
Go Blue! And yeah Justin, it is surprising that I haven’t been fired for this… LOL
February 2, 2007 @ 4:23 pm
Rob – Pats!? Gah… Yer killin’ me. 😉
Manning definitely deserves a ring.
I have to admit, I’ll be happy whoever wins this weekend. I’d like to see the Bears win one just to shut the critics up (*cough*ESPN*cough*), but I’d also like to see Manning take home a ring.
I’m just gonna root for whoever’s on offense.
February 2, 2007 @ 7:44 pm
You are someone who should be banned from Chicago. Pleave leave and never come back. I hope Peyton NEVER wins the ring just to spite you!
Ok, now that I got that out of my system 🙂 … You think Miami fans aren’t rude to people who wear non-Miami wear down there? Come one man … I can understand hating the Cubs .. because they just suck, but the Bears?
I expect the Bears to show the Indy Offensive line what pain is all about. And then spend the next 6 months reminding you who won 🙂
February 2, 2007 @ 11:00 pm
Brian Urlacher deserves a ring as much as Manning does.
February 3, 2007 @ 12:09 am
Oh come on Mike. Urlacher wasn’t even the best LB in the league this year, and he hasn’t proven himself as long as Manning.
Manning has already cemented himself as one of the best QB’s ever to play the game. Urlacher is good, but he needs to stay at that level for several more years in order for me to feel that way. Hell he’s not even the best linebacker to ever play for the Bears… c’mon now.
And John, fans like you are completely the reason I hate the Bears
Them having to rub it in and be in your face all the time. I grew up with that. I’m sure it happens in every city, and I’m sure the people that are on the fringe end up hating the local team. It’s not the team’s fault. It’s the damn bastard fans.
I know you wear the bastard moniker proudly
You know what, if the Colts win, I wont say a word, you’ll just get a knowing smile. Just be assured that inside I’m relishing every single second!
February 5, 2007 @ 7:07 am
Yeah, you’re right, Manning is a better QB than Urlacher is a linebacker.
And he proved it at the Super Bowl last night.
February 5, 2007 @ 7:26 pm
I thought of you, Grey, as the point spread went to 12, and knew you must be cheering wildly.
I did wonder if Manning would get the MVP when the Colts defense was responsible for two major interceptions, though.
BTW, think you have a typo- “You can’T be a traitor if you were never on the team to begin with.
Love, uTurn
February 6, 2007 @ 2:44 pm
interesting story john. i was a steelers fan growing up for the same reason, my grandfather played for them in the 1930’s (they were called the pirates) and he knew art rooney, etc. so when tampa got the bucs, it never really mattered much to me, i was a steelers guy.
not that i care that much about football though… but i do enjoy watching it every great once in a while. the superbowl was a lot of fun this year. man the colts were great…