What PS3 Shortage?

For something as hyped as the PS3, where people were getting shot and mugged for it, here were 20-30 units sitting on the floor mid-day on a Sunday (New Year’s eve.) I was at the store for 20-30 minutes and there didn’t seem to be a mad rush. I think the $599 pricetag is really what is putting people off, or maybe people just aren’t THAT excited for it.
January 1, 2007 @ 8:30 am
That’s cause scalper’s who had bought them to turn a quick profit at christmas time (and failed) returned whatever they couldn’t sell. I am really interested in getting one, but there are other priorities in my life right now. Of course, if the PS2 in the basement should break, that might be just the spur I need.
January 1, 2007 @ 9:43 pm
Need a hammer? You can borrow mine