Name change for Supernova, and the first recorded tracks are out!
Looks like the reality TV supergroup called Supernova will not be able to use that name due to losing a trademark infringement suit against a band who originally used that moniker. So, they are changing their name to Rock Star Supernova. I do think it’s cheesy, but I know why they have to do it.
In other R.S.S. news, I found the release of their singles on Yahoo Music Unlimited yesterday. They have studio recordings of “It’s All Love” and “Be Yourself and 5 Other Cliches” out there now and they actually sound terrific. I don’t think either will be big radio hits per se, but I think they are actually good songs. I know some people were underwhelmed when they did them live, but they sound great on record. Lukas sings VERY clearly and you can understand everything he’s saying, which was something people criticized him for not doing. Well it’s not an issue on the tracks. He fits perfectly.
Really looking forward to the album now!
September 27, 2006 @ 11:09 am
I’ll have to check those songs out. Lukas wasn’t my favorite choice for Supernova but hey… it’s cool to have another Canadian winning again. Makes one proud