Rockstar: Supernova… almost a new lead singer!
Well after last week we’re down to the final four. And my predictions were pretty spot on. I just figured there would be two guys and two girls left rather than three guys and a girl. Oh well. Pretty close though.
At this point I have to say that the edge goes to Toby in my opinion. He’s got good original songs, sounded good on the Supernova track and seems like he has a pretty clear voice. He still doesn’t have an “edge” or quite the stage presense that you like to see, but that could come around.
As for Dilana, she shot herself in the foot so much that I don’t think there is any way she’ll be the lead singer of Supernova. Magni is great, but probably too polished and not quite dirty or edgy enough for those guys.
Lukas is still my favorite, and I look forward to seeing music from him going forward. The problem he has is that his Canadian accent is so thick that it’s sometimes hard to understand what he’s singing. I’d love to see him head up Supernova, he’s got the edge, the dangerousness, and stage chops to really front the band. I just don’t know if it’ll happen.
So, here’s hoping for Lukas, but I’ll be happy if Toby takes it home too. Magni in third, Dilana in fourth 🙂
My wife so called the Toby thing too…since week one, she said it’ll be him.
Couple more days until we find out!
September 11, 2006 @ 2:35 pm
Dilana’s not bad, but I don’t think she’ll make it – struggling the past several weeks to me. I’ve grown to like her less as the season has gone on.
I don’t like Lukas. Just something about him – seems to be too much of a primadonna! 🙂 (no offense….) I really don’t care for his voice when his accent comes through. He’s good, no doubt, but I don’t know if he’s right for the band.
I think Toby will probably get it.
September 11, 2006 @ 5:42 pm
I’ve been thinking that Toby will get it in the end too. He’s just getting huge in the performances lately, especially with his original last week.
I like Lukas’ whole vibe, but I can only take his voice for so long. I’m not an expert by any means, but I think he could really benefit from some voice coaching. Rock isn’t about great vocalists all the time…but while Dilana sounds “rock”, Lukas just sounds messed up. When he opens it up it works out, but he doesn’t do it much.
I’m looking forward to seeing Storm Large again. I don’t think she was a good fit for Supernova but I dug her originals a lot.
September 13, 2006 @ 5:51 pm
Dilana is versitle, wild, sexy, never sings off key.
Can sing a ballad or rockout heavey metal style.
She’s it all the way. Lukas doesn’t have what it
takes yet. He’s not seasoned enough. Magni is
talented, but he often lets the music drown him out.
Toby’s great, but nothing out of the ordinary. I have
to stick with Dilana. I think the band loves her and
I bet they think she’s the IT, but I’m sure there’s
that question of “do we want a female stealing
our spotlight?” The spotlight will definitely be on
her because of how wild she looks and because of
how talented she is. I think she will over
shadow the rest of the guys!! GO DILANA!