Number three, Come on DOWNNNNNN…..
Two days after I posted about Grandma Anna, she passed away. We had also heard about my best friend’s mother-in-law, who was also in her last stages. Luckily for her and her family, she got upgraded, and now has a few more months to live. I’m really happy for her to have some more time to spend with her family.
Death, however, was not happy. And decided he needed an alternate.
So, now it’s my aunt Barb on my Mom’s side this time. She’s only got a few days as well, if that. She’s always lived in Arizona, so I never saw her much even though she was my godmother, and my Mom’s only sister. Mom, understandably, is taking it hard, and I feel really bad for her.
This one isn’t as heartwrenching as the other two for me since Barb had been sick for awhile. But still, I’m getting really sick of funerals. It’s starting to get ridiculous.
August 31, 2006 @ 10:58 am
Man, I’m sorry. This has been one hell of a rough year for you.