Clerks II
Okay, I know this is a little belated, but I wanted to let you all know that you should go see Clerks II. Well, unless you’re easily offended that is. And if you are, I imagine you aren’t reading this blog.
Anyway, I’m a Kevin Smith fanboy, and my wife really isn’t. We both LOVED the movie. It was an absolute riot, and the scene where Elias explains his sexual habits with his girlfriend to Randall had both of us crying with laughter. I think Randall’s expressions while listening to the explanation may be one of the funniest reactions I’ve ever seen to on-screen dialog.
Also, if you have EVER worked fast food, you have to check it out. There are some very familiar and very funny subtle things going on at Mooby’s, the McDonald’s clone that they work at. One of the things I got a real chuckle out of was their slogan. It wasn’t “I’m lovin’ it” it was “I’m eatin’ it.” Do yourself a favor and go see it, you won’t be disappointed.
Oh and Tim, I love you man, just had to reiterate it after seeing this flick 🙂
August 4, 2006 @ 3:22 pm
I want to go see this film so bad it almost hurts. I just have been so busy that I haven’t had the opportunity to do so.
Now, here’s something about me that might suprise some folks; but if you think about it really isn’t that odd. My top 5 favorite film makers (I consider a “film maker” to be a writer, director, producer, or any combination of the above); in order, are:
1) Kevin Smith
2) Quentin Tarantino
3) Robert Rodriquez
4) Elia Kazan
5) Mel Gibson
6) Tim Burton
7) Ron Howard
8) Sylvester Stallone (any man who denies he loves the Rocky or Rambo films is a liar)
9) James Cameron (except for Titanic)
10) Robert Duvall
Hmmm, this seems like an interesting meme. I think I’ll duplicate it on my blog.
August 5, 2006 @ 10:16 am
Your results ARE a little surprising to me, but figuring that we get along so well, I shouldb’t be surprised that we have similiar tastes
I would say some of my faves (in no particular order) are: Kevin Smith, Kevin Spacey, Stephen Spielberg, Wachowski Bros., Clint Eastwood, M. Night Shamaylan, Billy Bob Thornton, Peter Jackson, David Fincher, Gore Verbinski, Quentin Tarantino…
I just love movies… so there are too many to name
August 5, 2006 @ 3:41 pm
Um, I love you too, man. Er. Uh. Sorry didn’t get a chance to see it yet.
August 9, 2006 @ 11:09 am
I really need to get out and see this one… but I’m falling behind on my summer movie list so this one may end up as “one to rent”.
I’m a huge Kevin Smith fan! The scene in Chasing Amy about Lando is one of the funniest moments in movie history!