SnTT: Partnership
For Show-N-Tell Thursday we’ve seen all sorts of cool posts with tips, tricks, code, success stories etc. etc. Today, I want to do something a little different. I want to tell you about a partner to us and the Notes community, the PSC Group.
The PSC Group is a consulting firm that we have used this past year. They have done a tremendous job and are more than just our consultants, I would consider them partners at this point.
I say this because they have been great coders when we’ve needed them, great project managers when we’ve needed them, and have helped solidify our devotion to Notes and Domino. In the past year we’ve been short-handed, and we needed a some help. So, the folks at PSC helped us with a major software project that they coded, and helped us out with some internal code that we use for our extranet. Recently we’ve talked with them about our future plans and where everything fits in.
We are finally to a point where we are no longer short-handed (with hiring two full-time developers) but I still see PSC as a part of our team. Why? Well, with how well things have gone the past year, we’re getting more and more projects to do. So even though we have two developers, we now have more work than THEY can probably complete as well. Basically, by doing a good job on what they’ve done, they’ve helped strengthen Notes and Domino within our business. And because of that, we continue to set loftier goals for ourselves.
I also appreciate the fact that PSC hosts and Ed Brill’s, and Alan Lepofsky’s blogs. Those sites are arguably three of the most important ones in the Notes and Domino community, and I think it’s cool that PSC hosts them for free. So PSC isn’t just a partner to us, I feel that they are a partner to the community, and I just wanted to acknowledge that.
Now, hopefully, in future SnTT posts I’ll see more of YOU letting us know about the good consulting firms out there, as well as the tools you like to use from various vendors. It’s always good to know which firms and tools are the best to utilize, so I hope you all share with the class as well.
May 4, 2006 @ 2:45 pm
They also host John Head’s blog…surprise surprise
May 4, 2006 @ 2:55 pm
I think John was pointing out blogs that add value … its ok to burn myself, right?
May 4, 2006 @ 3:48 pm
Heheh… Now I’m bummed that John beat me to slamming him. Yeah, I just didn’t want to tarnish PSC’s fine reputation by mentioning Mr. Head
May 8, 2006 @ 3:42 pm
I totally agree
The PSC Group are very gracious hosts and great coders too 
May 11, 2006 @ 11:53 pm
Nothing against PSC, but I think that SNTT tags and feeds should be reserved for the purpose Rocky and Bruce originally intended.
May 15, 2006 @ 9:47 am
I completely disagree Richard. I’m sharing with the community a positive experience I had with something that supports Notes. It just happens to be a consulting firm. In fact I WANT people to share tools and people they’ve had good experiences with, that way I might know WHO and WHO NOT to use in future endeavors.
Also, if Bruce hadn’t intended me to do this, he may very well have said so in the post directly above yours. Since he didn’t and actually said “I totally agree” then I fail to see this as a use that Bruce didn’t intend.
I know that you are trying to prevent a bastardization of SnTT and not making it commercial, but I really DO want to hear good experiences in all aspects of Notes. Not just a snippet of code here and an application there…