What web calendar should I use?
Okay folks, question for you. I really want to start using a web calendar, so my wife and I can keep our schedules updated. I know that Google has entered the fray and there are others out there, but I want to hear from you folks on any that you are using and why (or not) I should use them too.
I want to accomplish a couple of things.
- I want to sync with my computer. I can be directly to Notes OR to Outlook.
- I can use DAMO to have Outlook sync with Notes, and then Outlook will also sync with my phone
- I want to be able to view my wife’s calendar entries and selectively sync them as well
- I want to deliniate between public and private entries
- I want granularity on who I share the public web calendar portion of this with.
I don’t want much do I? 🙂
Any thoughts? Are you folks using anything that I should really be aware of?
April 25, 2006 @ 1:03 pm
Keep me apprised as to your findings or feedback on this, as I too am looking for something to keep track of what my wife’s calendar has going on with her new business, and our kids and church responsibilities…hard to keep it all square by transcribing from her planner all the time…and sometimes forgetting.
April 25, 2006 @ 2:29 pm
i think the google calendar may be your best bet, i haven’t used it but someone was talking about it here and it sounded like it met your requirements. not sure about the syncing stuff, but volker was saying it did some of that, i believe.