Keep sharp objects away from my wife, and fingers away from my dog!
Last night was interesting. My wife is a very good cook. Excellent in fact. As such, she owns some really good, really sharp knives. Most of them were bought for her by myself in fact. The problem with sharp knives is that they cut really really well…
You know where this is going don’t you? Yup, Jen cut off part of her thumb last night while making dinner. She was chopping up the last bit of parsley for a corn chowder she was making when she heard a noise in the other room (probably the girls fighting) and when she looked up, she chopped off the corner of her thumb. Instead of her thumb having a nice rounded corner, it now has a nice angular look to it.
Yes, she went to the emergency room where they finally stopped the bleeding and bandaged it up good. She also got a tetanus shot which she says hurts worse than her thumb.
Now, here’s the really funny part. After she had done it, she found the piece of her thumb she cut off, and as she was carrying it across the kitchen, she accidentally dropped it on the floor, where our dog Shadow promptly ate it! So now that Shadow has had a taste for human flesh we have to watch our backs. Who knows when we might awaken to find Shadow looking at us with “that look.”
I stayed home today to take care of her and the kids, and now I can finally use the excuse “Because my dog ate it!” 😀
March 28, 2006 @ 9:15 am
It’s good you have such a positive attitude about it, I’m sure she’s not quite so positive being the owner of the maligned thumb.
That’s funny about the dog though…our’s will eat anything too!
March 28, 2006 @ 9:36 am
OUCH! Man, that’s rough! Hope she’s doing alright today.
March 28, 2006 @ 10:24 am
Actually it was funny. She called me on the way home to tell me, and when I asked how much was cut off and could they reattach it her response was… “Well it’s only a little bit, and well, I dropped it on the floor and Shadow ate it!” She was laughing really hard at that point, and she has a good attitude about it. It’s not like she took it off at the knuckle or anything, so she’s fine. She was the one that had the humor about it, and it made it easier for myself and the girls.
Take Care and Thanks guys!
March 28, 2006 @ 7:07 pm
Wow. Glad to hear she’s OK. <br><br>When I got my first set of decent knives, I nicked my fingers constantly. Then one day I took a chunk out of a finger cutting the ends off some flowers. Yeah. Duh.<br><br>I have definitely learned a lot more about handling knives since then. You learn quick when you get tired of hacking yourself up.
March 28, 2006 @ 7:33 pm
Holy crap! Glad it wasn’t too bad.
Does this mean I need to keep the boys away from the dog?
March 30, 2006 @ 12:16 pm
Um, I think next time we come to visit, we are getting a hotel.
March 30, 2006 @ 10:21 pm
Give my best to Jen. On the flip side, hacking oneself with a sharp knife is infinitely preferable than using a dull knife…
Did you ever see the movie “Snatch”? With Shadow around, who needs pigs?
March 31, 2006 @ 12:30 pm
man, we just got a new dog. it has been so long since i owned a dog that i’ve had to relearn what it is like having one. after several months now, i can totally see our little ball of white fluff eating someone’s dropped finger/thumb/whatever. it is true, they will eat anything!
lol great story, glad she’s ok!