Upgraded to Blogsphere 2.5
I’ve upgraded to Blogsphere 2.5 and so far so good. If you folks see any wierdness in the site design or feeds or anything, please let me know.
One thing we did find was in the Mail It config, I had an apostrophe in there and that seemed to anger the Javascript gods. So be forwarned!
The biggest thing I like in this release is the CoComment.com integration. Now people using CoComment.com to track their comments around the blogosphere can track their comments on Blogsphere sites too! Spiffy…
March 17, 2006 @ 8:22 am
Hey Grey…
You’ve got a comma instead of a period after “www” in your link to cocomment.com.
And, this will be cocommented as I am signed up there since last week some time.
March 17, 2006 @ 2:33 pm
Thanks Phil!
All fixed up… I was talking about an apostrophe, then a damn comma screws me up elsewhere
Take Care,