Lotusphere Tradition Greyhawk68 / Uncategorized / 7 Comments February 3, 2006 Every year I have to have a chili-cheese dog from Beaches N Cream. Mmmmm… look at it. Isn’t it beautiful?
February 3, 2006 @ 11:09 pm
I was waiting for you drag us over there for one of those, but I musta missed it … when do you sneak that in anyway?
February 4, 2006 @ 6:32 am
Looks healthy! Looks like kidney beans under the cheese, so you got your fibers anyway!
February 4, 2006 @ 12:23 pm
Actually I didn’t fit it in until right before we flew out on Saturday afternoon. I wasn’t leaving without my dog!
And no doubt Johan…I had fiber and dairy and meat and bread and vegetable (ketchup) so I was totally healthy!
February 7, 2006 @ 10:06 am
A Lotusphere tradition?? So how is it any different from a lunch at Kentones???
February 7, 2006 @ 2:37 pm
MUCH Larger meatier hot dog… shredded cheese as opposed to a cheese slice… Kind of a toasted garlic bread type of bun. This really outdoes Kentone’s John, and you know that I LOVE Kentones…
February 11, 2006 @ 6:25 pm
My wife wants your dog Johnny.
February 13, 2006 @ 9:50 pm
What’s new man? Hasn’t she always…