I play an online game called Guild Wars, and for Halloween they did some cool stuff. They spooked everything up, and had the Mad King come and entertain. I got lots of cool swag including this bitchin’ pumpkin head. Congrats to the ANet crew. What you created was a lot of fun!
November 1, 2005 @ 1:18 pm
wow that is pretty kewl.
David Jones
November 2, 2005 @ 10:47 am
I missed the party so didn’t get the pumpkin head.
The moon and the decorations in LA were great though. How long have you been playing the game?
November 3, 2005 @ 11:41 am
I’ve been playing since early in the beta. I liked the MMORPG without the monthly fee situation. I play every Friday night with the guys I used to play D&D with as a kid Great game…