Drop it like it’s hot…
I dunno about everyone else, but Jen and I have our Top Five list. If you watched Friends, you know what I’m talking about. It’s a list of five celebrities, that if the opportunity ever arose, you could sleep with them without penalty. Basically, if I met up with one of the five women on my list at a hotel bar, and they welcomed me back to their room, I could go with Jen’s blessing.
Currently, my list looks like this (in no particular order)
- Rachel Perry (VHI)
- Jennifer Love Hewitt
- Scarlett Johannson
- Charlize Theron
- Katie Holmes
Unfortunately, I may have to remove Katie Holmes from my list, as she seems to be turning into a whack-job. Don’t get me wrong, she’s still as gorgeous as ever, but there is something creepy about her Scientology-induced ways now. She used to be kind of quiet and reserved. You barely ever saw her macking on her previous boyfriend of five years (Chris Klien) in public. Now, you can’t turn on the TV without seeing her sucking Tom Cruise’s face off.
I get it, she was private and reserved for so long, and now she’s with her childhood crush, she’s bound to go a little wild. But c’mon, this is a little ridiculous. I also don’t blame Tom, hell no. I would be jumping into that with both feet too, but he’s seemed to go off the deep end a little as well. They’ve only known each other for six weeks, and they are SO in love… eeek.
Anyway, the creepiness of it all means I’m pulling dear Katie from the top five. Not quite sure who I should replace her with yet. Maybe Jessica Alba, maybe Anna Nalick (GORGEOUS girl who wrote a phenominal album) Hmmm, who else? Kelly Rowan from the O.C.? She is by far the sexiest woman on that show, despite the younger generation of hotties… I dunno. Anyway, give me your suggestions, and even though this topic has been covered in our corner of the blogosphere before, add your Five Freebies to the discussion.
Bye Katie. I’m gonna miss ya 🙁
June 11, 2005 @ 10:58 pm
How about Brooke Burns from Dog Eat Dog? Yowza…
Take care,
June 13, 2005 @ 8:42 pm
Maggie Gyllenhaal?
Christina Ricci?
June 13, 2005 @ 10:16 pm
Maybe I just need to see Secretary, but I have never found Maggie good looking at all… Christina on the other hand IS quite yummy, but not quite my type. At least not enough to warrant a coveted Top Fiver.
June 13, 2005 @ 11:09 pm
And Devin, I was never much for Jenna Elfman until I saw Keeping The Faith. She was so gorgeous in that movie… And, it may be fantasyland, but dammit, I’m not giving up on the dream!
June 14, 2005 @ 5:38 pm
Ok – I will throw my hat into the perverbial perverted ring.
Kylie http://www.kylie.com
Natile Portman http://www.natalieportman.com/npcom.php
Nicole Kidman http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000173/
Susan Sarrindon (odd, I know) http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000215/
Katie Holmes http://www.katie-holmes.com/
Well, heading for a cold shower
June 14, 2005 @ 9:48 pm
But Paul, Katie is still on the list? Even now? I just can’t do it. The rest are pretty good, and although I love the allure of a beautiful redhead (my wife is one) I cannot get behind Susan Sarandon, either figuratively OR literally
Natalie, Nicole and Kylie are all goog though bro…
June 16, 2005 @ 7:25 am
Katie is just simply a stunner… Bonkers?? possibly but I just dont care.
I agree and disagree with the Susan Sarrindon statement. Don’t really know why she is always in my list, but there is something there… Smart, sexy. Older I know, but stunning in a different way.
Then again, Kylie wins hands, legs, feet and any other peripheral part of my body down….
June 23, 2005 @ 1:30 pm
OK, I am late to the party, and I have never actually defined the Top 5 (although there are some “Gimmies” the wife has agreed to), so now is as good a time as any…
1) Charlize Theron – Watch damned near anything (except Monster) with her in it, and you’ll see what I mean. A good first one: The Devil’s Advocate.
2) Nicole Kidman – Amazingly beautiful, intelligent, and able to change her accent at the drop of a hat – but the Aussie drawl is awesome. Bonus: She has shown a willingness to date short guys, a plus for me
Good movie to see my motivation? Eyes Wide Shut.
3) Shania Twain – I’m not even a country fan, but she has to be one of the most stunning women in music history – and I actually like her stuff, especially since Mutt Lange (her husband and Rock producer extraordinaire) started producing her.
4) Salma Hayek – she is a stunning Latin beauty, phenominal curves, and funny to boot. Watch From Dusk Til Dawn and Desperado to become a convert.
5) Angelina Jolie – my token nutcase. She is amazingly hot to me.
Honorable mentions: Monica Bellucci, Sharon Stone (used to be on the list), Connie Nielsen, Sela Ward (used to be on the list), Lindsay Lohan (not yet, still too young even for me – but in a few years? Yowza)
OK, enough dreaming for today. Enjoy