Largest File Attachment?
The other day, a user tried to send a 459 MB (yes, nearly half a gigabyte) attachment to another user… who was down the hall. [sigh] I don’t have any internal size limitations (nor quotas for most people,) so it was going to send this thing just fine, but I deleted it from and instructed the local city admins to lay the smack down.
So, my question to you is “What is the largest file attachment anyone has sent in your organization?”
April 27, 2005 @ 2:52 am
We routinely throw around 10mb attachments. Not particularly large.
However, in the early nineties, I was an IT manager for an oil services company. Lots of large boats out there, hung on the end of 9600baud, $6/minute inmarsat links.
And we caught someone trying to send a copy of Doom 1 – 10mb, I believe, over this link. Amazing. Would have cost THOUSANDS to actually (if it ever did) get through.
He got a bitch-slap for that one..
—* Bill
April 27, 2005 @ 8:23 am
That is crazy! The biggest I’ve seen was 200 MB, but that was before I got here and implemented the 20 MB limit, even thinking about dropping it to 10 MB. My users pass tons of large files around due to the advertising nature of the company. There are other methods for this transfer when files get big.
April 27, 2005 @ 11:32 am
At work we block at 5MB. Sometimes a customer will have something right on the edge, or maybe 6-7MB. On those rare occasions we’ll bump it up for them temporarily. Twice we’ve had people trying to transfer 25MB video files. We told them they’re better off using FTP.
Take care,
April 27, 2005 @ 12:55 pm
Well we do a lot of design and CAD work, so sometimes we need to send stuff in the 25-30 MB range, and once in awhile I’ll see a 70 MB one… but 459 MB was just insane… heh.
The “no-limit” culture was very much in place before I got here so it’ll be hard to change. Luckily it’s not causing us any real problems as of yet…
April 27, 2005 @ 2:25 pm
79Mb, I think.
It was a zip file, but I didn’t bother checked what was in it.
We have no limits, but I’m hoping to change that soon. Over a third of our users have laptops, and we don’t have any broadband access – so a maximum message size is in order, methinks…
May 5, 2005 @ 11:41 am
*drum roll*
ahem, please all… click here
yes its real.. Whats the issue?? Doesn’t everyone try to send 2GB attachments?