FAQ: Blogging on the job
There’s a great story over at news.com that gives an FAQ about blogging on the job. Nothing us hardcore bloggers don’t already know, but for someone just starting out, it’s got some good advice. Well worth the read.
There’s a great story over at news.com that gives an FAQ about blogging on the job. Nothing us hardcore bloggers don’t already know, but for someone just starting out, it’s got some good advice. Well worth the read.
March 8, 2005 @ 11:05 am
Remember Wild Bill’s two tips.
Dont blog drunk.
Or naked
—* Bill
March 8, 2005 @ 8:57 pm
Blogging drunk is like calling an old girlfriend drunk. NEVER a good idea… although nothing wrong with blogging naked in my book, although a blogging drunken naked Wild Bill gives me great pause