Super Bowl Suck-Day
Well guess what? I may have succumbed to Morbius Lotuspherius after all. You see, Saturday night I got pretty sick. High fever, nausea, cold shakes (despite sweating a ton) and more. I still felt like hell on Sunday, so we cancelled our annual SuperBowl party. We’ve had this party for at least 10 years, so it really sucked to have to cancel, but I thought I should avoid infecting all of my friends.
So anyway, I watched the game and the damn Patriots won again… Grrrr… At least they got the MVP right and didn’t give it to Brady. I was very impressed with Terrell Owens’ return to the lineup for Philly though. After fracturing a bone and having significant ligament damage, he returned to the lineup in just over 6 weeks, and played beautifully. If McNabb would have played as well, they really could have beaten the Pats… Oh well.
So here it is, Monday afternoon and I’m still recovering. I was up pretty much every hour on the hour last night, and I’ve lost 8 pounds in two days. At least there’s something positive out of this…
February 7, 2005 @ 2:34 pm
8 lbs in 2 days?! Damn, maybe I should have come up after all!
Take care,
February 7, 2005 @ 5:55 pm
Ugh! Sorry to hear you got sick after all… I’m *still* feeling pretty low.
In the meantime, rest up, and enjoy this thread over at Jonvon’s if you haven’t seen it yet:
February 8, 2005 @ 6:17 am
I was also impressed with TO’s play. Amazing recover. I also didn’t get all the talk about him being selfish. Whatever.
That said, I hate the Eagles and am glad they lost…heheheh.
February 8, 2005 @ 8:46 am
sorry to hear you are feeling poorly man. i guess when the alchohol finally washed out of your system the little buggers were waiting for you. see, if only you’d kept drinking when you got back!
February 8, 2005 @ 10:00 am
Man, I am sorry for your pain. Why don’t they offer LTD education for attendees at the ‘sphere?
February 8, 2005 @ 2:43 pm
Get better soon, man!
February 9, 2005 @ 11:33 am
Dude, sorry you caught the dreaded Sphere plague.
re: your Super Bowl pain, look at it this way: for the first time in years, the Dolphins have a real head coach. If you think the Pats are happy about facing a Nick Saban-coached team twice a year, think again. You may be consoling me come this time next year…
February 9, 2005 @ 2:51 pm
True, and we’ll see what happens now that your offensive and defensive coordinators are gone… That might be the most damaging to ya!