The choice of a Desperado
Every blogger at Lotusphere faces a choice. Food and sleep, or blogging. Guess what I’m chosing right now 🙂
Last night was a lot of fun, but Mother Nature sure tried to put a damper on things. It was COLD at the Welcome Reception. Cold enough that this Chicago boy (with two layers of clothing AND a fleece) was freezing as well. Also, the food was lackluster compared to previous spheres. But, I ate my frozen bananna. It just isn’t Lotusphere without one.
Finally met up with JonVon and got to hang out with him all night, it was very cool. Also, while trying to find heat (it was in short supply) we ended up in an out-of-the-way tent and ran into the ZipLip folks. If this company’s products are as cool as the people here to sell them, they are going to blow you away. If you need archiving and compliance solutions, stop by their booth at the vendor showcase, you will NOT be dissappointed.
Anyway, after the party, we headed to Kimono’s for more beverages and some karaoke. If it were not for Chris Byrne getting up on stage, I would have never had the balls to do so myself, kudos man, and thanks. I had a ton of fun. I belted out Desperado, and at various points in the song got to sing to Genelle, Julian, and Julian being dry-humped by Chris. It was entertaining if nothing else 🙂 I believe photographic evidence will be surfacing soon.
Andrew Kelly was hanging out with us, and we were later joined by his daughter Darcy, oh and can’t forget my t-shirt buddy Jess. Also met another future partner in crime in Aoife Moloney. I just love a good Celtic name! Then much later in the evening, the fine Captain showed up as well, all aglow in post-Patriot-win bliss. All in all, a very fine evening.
Now, in about 40 minutes it will be time for the opening session. Look for me in the front row!
January 24, 2005 @ 9:03 pm
For the record, it was not what you described, I was just fighting him for your attention
January 25, 2005 @ 9:01 pm
You just wait and see.
I believe we should start spreading vile, wicked rumors about everyone involved in dry-humping activities!
And yes, I DO have the evidence!!!
January 28, 2005 @ 2:50 pm
I cannot wait to see it
It will be flickred for sure!