Exhausted (and we haven't even started yet)
What a day man. After some of the early festivities, we wanted a drink. So we decided to head over to the ESPN Club and start the afternoon right. There were a bunch of us and we met up with Julian, and then later Andrew and his beautiful daughter showed up. Good time had by all…
We headed back to the Dolphin after a few hours and then parted ways for a bit, and then reconvened for Bruce’s Blogger gathering…Man, so many people showed up, it was amazing. It was food (and imagine that) MORE DRINKS. It was larger than we imagined. Very cool.
I took some time out to call my family and tell them goodnight and then I changed into my “I Read Your EMail” shirt. I thought it appropriate 🙂 Anyway, headed back over to the Gonzo Lotusphere party at ESPN (again.) It was HUGE this year, the biggest it’s ever been. Met tons of great people (thanks for the drink Paul!) and one of the highlights was being introduced to Genelle. Genelle is a FORMER-Radicati employee, now working for a company that has a Domino product. I bought her a drink simply because “Any enemy of Radicati is a friend of mine!” I’m sure we’ll get some good dirt this week… We’re hoping for a picture of her and Ed that Sara can use as wallpaper 🙂
Needless to say, it’s far TOO late to be up doing this, and I should be in bed. That 8 AM session is coming WAY too soon…
January 23, 2005 @ 2:21 pm
URGENT Action Needed THIS WEEK to Protect Lotusphere 2006!
By now, it should be painfully obvious to everyone that the weather gods have a BIG problem with Lotusphere.
This is not the first time that horrible storms have interfered with staff, customers, Business Partners, analysts, the press, friends, Romans, and countrymen getting there. (Maybe we all should have acted even more humanitarily in response to the Tsunami.)
Clearly, urgent action is needed THIS WEEK — before the end of Lotusphere 2005 — to make amends and protect all future Lotuspheres!
I propose a four point plan (one for each day of Lotusphere):
1. Opening General Session — Monday, January 24, 2005
Either Ambuj Goyal or the host of the Opening General Session — whomever is the first to speak — must ask everyone in the ballroom to refrain from any and all complaints about the weather for the entirety of Lotusphere 2005 — that is, from that moment until the last paying attendee leaves the ballroom at the end of the Closing General Session.
2. Innovators Panel — Tuesday, January 25, 2005
The panel member with the earliest hire date (preferably at Iris Associates, but Lotus is acceptable), on behalf of every developer who ever worked on Notes/Domino code, must apologize for every single SPR that was opened in response to a customer support call.
At his or her discretion, the panel member may choose to apologize for every single Lotus SPR ever written — including those written by the developers and QA/QE teams themselves. Including IBM Workplace would be a good idea, too!
3. Lotusphere 2005 Party — Wednesday, January 26, 2005
The Turtle (http://www.gonzolotusphere.com/gonzo/ls2005.nsf?Open) must be the guest of honor at the sacrifice of a small animal. (Preferably not a turtle. Or a Disney character. Maybe one of those plastic lobsters from a few years back?)
I hereby charge the C.U.L.T. guys —
Henry Newberry (http://www.cultshirt.com/newbs/cultshirt2.nsf/PagesByNumber/10?opendocument)
Rocky Oliver (http://www.lotusgeek.com/)
Andrew Pollack (http://www.thenorth.com/apblog4.nsf?Open)
— and anyone they deem appropriate, with the tasks of creating the ceremony, choosing the precise time and place, and performing the ceremony.
4. Closing General Session — Thursday, January 27, 2005
Sandra Marcus must ask everyone in the ballroom to observe a moment of silence — prayer optional — begging forgiveness on behalf of everyone who has ever been involved in any way with Lotusphere, Lotus Week, or any other conference, trade show, symposium, or Web seminar where Lotus products were shown or talked about for any weather-related inconveniences they ever experienced.
Respectfully submitted,
Marshall Wilensky