Y2K Five Year Anniversary
It’s interesting to think that it’s been five years since the whole Y2K scare. 5 years ago today, I was on call in case anything blew up communications wise at work. We also had a data center full of techs (network jocks, help desk guys, system admins) that were on 12 hour rotating shifts leading up to and after New Year’s.
What a bunch of hype over nothing huh? We can say that now, but I remember everyone stocking up back then. I even had some food and supplies stockpiled just in case. Figured you couldn’t be too careful. Then Y2K showed up as barely a blip on the radar… All the hype and money over basically nothing. Guess that will happen all over again during Y10K 🙂
Back then the dot com bubble hadn’t burst yet either. I remember getting several calls a WEEK from recruiters trying to get me to come on board. Quite a difference from this past March when I found myself unemployed. Man, the excess in spending and investing back in 1999 was insane. Glad I didn’t happen aboard one of the doomed franshises of the time.
So, where were you at Y2K? Or were you just partying like it was 1999?
January 8, 2005 @ 3:42 am
I was working for a bank as a contractor at the time. They had set up this huge schedule for all kinds of test on their production systems. To facilitate their testing, they would need access to Notes. So I had to come in two hours after the fireworks to make sure Notes/Domino hadn’t blown up. So yes, I was at home until 1:30am, but couldn’t really party like it was 1999 because I’d have to haul my ass 20 miles to the bank and the check on server I *knew* would be ok.