Ban pregnant Hooters girls now!
Over this past weekend, my wife and I took the girls to Hooters for supper one day. Contrary to popular belief, Hooters seems to be very family friendly. It’s loud, has lots of TV’s, and has lots of things adorning the walls and ceilings to keep little kids entertained.
Now that’s for the kids. For the adult males, it has waitresses in skimpy shorts with ample cleavage to ogle at while you are waiting for your meal. That’s kind of the whole point of Hooters. Many men go there just for the scenery.
While I DO enjoy the scenery and take in as much as I can, the main reason I go is that I LOVE their Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches. I know you are thinking “Yeah right!” but it’s true. If Hooters had crappy food, I wouldn’t go there.
But since I do, I expect to see some good looking females with nice bodies. Hey, I’m unapologetically a man. Anyway, imagine my surprise when I saw a VERY pregnant waitress. It just didn’t “fit.”
Now this isn’t the first time I saw a pregnant woman waitressing at Hooters. I saw a different pregnant girl at another restaurant about a month ago. My question is, “Should we really allow pregnant Hooters waitresses?” What’s next, pregnant strippers?*
I’m not saying the women should be fired, but couldn’t they be moved into a different position? Aesthetics aside, should a pregnant woman be on her feet all day like that?
I dressed as a Hooter’s waitress for Halloween a couple of years ago, and given my beer gut (that makes me look like I’m in my 73rd trimester) I looked like a pregnant Hooters girl, and the results were NOT pretty. The result is the same in person. Many women can look beautiful while pregnant, but not many can do so in tight orange shorts.
Please, for the love of all that is holy, we must ban together to fight the pregnant Hooters girl scourge that threatens the fabric of this nation.
*Okay, I realize that there is an entire fetish devoted to naked pregnant chicks, I just don’t wanna see it!
July 22, 2004 @ 10:14 am
One would at least think they’d allow the pregnant waitresses an exception from the skimpy-shorts-and-top uniform. There’d probably be all kinds of headaches in removing them from their positions, but I can’t imagine even the stoutest of feminists protesting allowing a pregnant woman to wear something a little more comfortable.
Take care,
July 30, 2014 @ 8:35 am
I am a pregnant Hooters girl and we wear a completely different outfit than the rest of the girls. I am almost out of college and would be completely screwed if I were to be fired or moved to another position because the only other position is kitchen staff! It would be cruel and unusual to fire someone simply because they were starting a family.
July 30, 2014 @ 7:27 pm
Hi Caly,
Do understand, that this post was made 10 years ago, and it was also made as something tongue-in-cheek. Like I said in my post, I never suggested that anyone be fired, only that you be allowed to wear something else than the typical uniform or maybe even be moved to hostess.
10 years ago the woman I saw was VERY far along and still in the exact same outfit, and it just didn’t seem quite right.
Good Luck on your pregnancy, and I’m glad they gave you a different outfit to wear. It HAS to be more comfortable.
Take Care,
P.S. For some reason this old post still gets a lot of hits every month. You would think something 10 years old would fall off the radar by now, but apparently people google “pregnant hooters girl” quite often… to each their own 🙂
July 22, 2004 @ 1:46 pm
Just to be clear… Your “beer gut” was *not* the only reason the picture was not pretty.
July 22, 2004 @ 4:49 pm
There are a lot of guys that believe a pregnant lady can be very beautiful … So … knowing that Hooters ethos is boobs and bums showing … then I think a pregnant lady fits those criteria ..
btw. youre right . They should not be on their feet all day !
July 22, 2004 @ 5:13 pm
i’m just not sure what to make of this entry! but one thing is for sure, it’s definitely entertaining!
July 22, 2004 @ 9:44 pm
That was mainly the point John
I thought it was just funny to see a pregnant waitress at Hooters, so I thought I would bring it up for the entertainment value alone. I figured the whole “pregnant girl scourge” line would give that tongue-in-cheekness away .
And I’m sorry, no matter how beautiful a pregnant woman is Tessla, they do not look good in a Hooter’s uniform
And Tom, I really take offense. I have great legs and my ass is marvelous
July 23, 2004 @ 7:09 am
OK… *That* image is gonna leave a mark.
July 23, 2004 @ 9:04 pm
in case there’s any doubt, the blogosphere could use more of this, whatever it is…
July 24, 2004 @ 11:10 am
OK, Grey… Official challenge… Allow everyone to share my horror and mental anguish.
Post the Hooter’s pix!
April 27, 2006 @ 3:03 pm
well, i AM a pregnant Hooters girl and i wear the t-shirt and it is tied in the back and black shorts. you can’t expect a girl to quit her job when she gets pregnant, knowing under the stipulations that nowhere else would hire her. You can’t get a job and then say “oh, by the way, i need maternity leave in 9 months”!
April 27, 2006 @ 4:21 pm
Dearie, did I say quit your job? No. And if you read all the other comments, you should realize this was all fairly tongue in cheek.
And that last comment, I mean really, If you are pregnant, is running around as a waitress the best thing for you and the baby healthwise? It’s not, and you should know that.
And your last comment lead me to believe that you went there to get a job KNOWING that you were already pregnant. So yes, you are kinda obligated to tell them that you’ll need maternity leave in 9 months.
Couldn’t you hostess there, or do a couple of the other jobs at the restaurant that wouldn’t require you to run around all day? Or that wouldn’t require you to show off your bump?
November 25, 2012 @ 9:54 pm
I think that it is great that pregnant women want to work at hooters.
April 3, 2014 @ 5:02 pm
It is called Hooters after all. And don’t they get bigger during pregnancy?
February 25, 2016 @ 1:37 am
I would just like to say that pregnancy is not a disability and exercise throughout is advised by
doctors. Also, hostessing doesn’t earn you half as much money as waiting
tables does at Hooters. I would also like to state that being a Hooter
Girl is different from a regular waitress job being that Hooter
Girls are allowed AND encouraged to sit with customers during the
customer’s stay whereas hostessing at Hooters typically does not
encourage sitting at the host stand.
A job is a job and everyone goes into work aware of what is expected of them to make money for a living.
*I am currently a pregnant Hooter Girl.