Hacker Wear
I was looking for some T-Shirts recently so I thought I would scour the net for some of the best geek type shirts available. ThinkGeek is always a great store, but I also found a place called Jinx Hacker Wear. I really love this site and some of the T-Shirts especially. I may be a bit *old* for their demographic, but I bought three shirts nonetheless. The three were as follows:
FPS: Frag the weak, hurdle the dead.
(definitely a gamer reference)
I read your email
And my favorite:
Social Engineering Specialist: Because there’s no patch for human stupidity.
April 29, 2004 @ 8:37 am
LOL! Sweet! I love geek t-shirts (much to my wife’s dismay)! I’ve pillaged ThinkGeek pretty thoroughly over the years, so I’m psyched to have a new selection to check out. Thanks, Grey!