I survived another Gonzo party!
Every Sat. night before the start of Lotusphere, Turtle of the Gonzo Lotusphere site holds his Sat. night bash. Well, I lived through another one! 🙂 This year I think I stopped one drink short of the intense sickness I had Sunday morning last year. I still have a pretty hefty headache, but my stomach is not doing flip flops. Good Thing.
There were a couple of surreal moments however. One was using the urinal at ESPN, drink in one hand, while watching an LCD TV showing an iPod commercial. Also, seeing Josh Reed, the starting WR for the Buffalo Bills salivating over a Blackberry device while conversating with Domino brethren. You also know it has been a good long night when you’re in the bathroom when you hear last call 🙂
Anyway, I had a great time and want to say hi to all the great people I met and hung out with. The BBSG (Big Bearded Sametime Guy) Wes Morgan, Ed Brill, Volker Weber, Rob McDonough, Devin Olson, Julian R., Tom Duff, Bruce Elgort, Wild Bill, Declan Lynch, THE Bob, Melissa Gena, Dan Fredrickson and of course Turtle. I KNOW I have forgot people, but that’s only because I forgot your names, I’ll definitely remember your faces and will say HI in the halls. I got rid of the WEAK brain cells. Let the learning begin…
January 25, 2004 @ 9:53 am
It was great to finally meet you last night. It’s so much nicer to be able to put a face to the name.
January 26, 2004 @ 3:31 am
remember, the secret is: Take 2 aspirin BEFORE going to sleep after a rough night out. Also, some water helps with re-hydration – IF your stomach can take it
January 26, 2004 @ 4:12 pm
Great meeting you and Dan too Melissa. It’s nice to meet the people behind DDN. You’ve been great to me and it’s been very nice to hang out with you.
And jmichael, you are SO right. I drank a ton of water before hitting the sack but saved the aspirin for the next morning. I don’t think I would have made it right that night
Take Care,