FeedDemon for your RSS needs
For those of you that like to read your blogs via RSS (as I do) you need a good RSS reader to do the job. I’ve been using the beta of FeedDemon by Nick Bradbury. Nick is the creator of TopStyle (one of the best CSS products on the market) and he also created the HTML editor, HomeSite. He’s now created FeedDemon. It isn’t free, but as shareware you do get a version that will work for 30 uses. I urge you to try it out. It’s very simple to use, it’s aestetically pleasing, and is very powerful. For $29.99 it’s a very cheap investment.
I like to encourage shareware developers by actually buying the stuff that I think deserves to be paid for. This is definitely one of those programs.
January 8, 2004 @ 4:33 pm
I was hoping FeedDemon would be less. $30 a seat can be expensive for a company. We recommend FeedReader for our employees and customers. It’s free but showing some age. Perhaps the best feature of RSS is that you’re free to use any RSS Reader you’d like — and on a variety of platforms too. For anyone interested, I posted a simple Domino Article template that includes an RSS feed.
January 8, 2004 @ 4:40 pm
I tried FeedReader, and used for awhile before switching to the beta of FeedDemon. I just found that FeedReader was a little unstable and wasn’t overly robust. I do agree that if you have to roll it out to a company $30 might be hard to swallow, but at least there’s no maintenance costs
You never know, you might be able to get site licensing from Nick if you asked him. I’m sure SOME money in his pocket is better than NO money
I imagine that someone out there will come up with a killer open source reader at some point, but they have a long way to go to catch up to the polish the FeedDemon already shows in my opinion.
Thanks for the feedback. Does anyone recommend any other good readers out there, preferrably free?
Take Care,
January 9, 2004 @ 9:57 am
Thanks for these nice comments about FeedDemon! Regarding site licenses: I generally don’t offer blanket site licenses since each site may vary widely in the number of end users, but I do offer substantial quantity discounts.